Fall’s Refreshing Rain ~

~ CHRISTian poetry by deborahann ~ letitrain IBible Verses
I love when God sends,
Fall’s first refreshing rain
to wash away the grime
on my soul’s windowpane.
It helps me to see,
over summers hot break
the dryness that’s within. . .
changes, I need to make.
I study the dust settling,
atop my old, trusty Bible
shaking it off, I am ready
for a Holy Spirit revival.
The showers bring about,
a renewal in my heart
restoring my faith and hope
before, winters chilly start.
I love when God sends,
Fall’s first refreshing rain
so in my heart and soul
Jesus, can settle in again!
Isaiah 45:8
“Drop down, ye heavens, from above,
and let the skies pour down righteousness:
let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation,
and let righteousness spring up together;
I the Lord have created it.”
King James Version
by Public Domain

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