
How often do I put the blame on Thee,
Instead of looking at the sin in me?
I sometimes wonder – if You are there,
But instead it is me- who doesn’t care.

My narrow mind and blinded eye,
Can only fault and ask You why.
Then in my selfish, sinful pride,
I run away from You and try to hide.

But You find me no matter what,
And You know the churning in my gut.
You chase me in my wrongful flight,
To prove You’re just and always right.

Your loving arms wrap around me,
To console and try to make me see.
From You I never have to run away,
That You won’t let me go astray.

Oh, how grateful now that I know,
You would never – ever let me go.
Thank You Lord for staying near,
And for Your peace – instead of my fear.

by Deborah Ann

Copyright © 2009

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