Tag Archives: Be Not Conformed To the World

Today’s Poem: Wisely Walking

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Wisely Walking ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Father I thank You,today for Your graceand the wisdom I needto wisely run the race. For, I know of the evil,I will witness todayand to walk cautiouslymust be my mainstay. Father I thank you,today for Your directionfor the wisdom to havein the world no connection. For, though… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Abiding

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Abiding ~ By Deborah Ann If you want the Lord,to abide in youthen you must . . .act as in Him too. If you desire the Lord,to remain in youthen you gotta . . .reside in Him too. If you wish the Lord,to stay in youthen you should . . .behave like Him too.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I Don’t Trust Man

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Don’t Trust Man~ By Deborah Ann I don’t trust man,to tell me how to liveI don’t have confidence . . .in the reasons they give. For man will say,do whatever you wantor your regretswill come back to haunt. But, I know God,will have the final sayon how I choose . . .to live out… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Reassure Me Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Reassure Me Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Reassure me Lord,just where is my hopeso that in today’s worldI’ll be equipped to cope. Remind me once again,I’m just passing throughon my journey to spendeternity with you. Reassure me Lord,just where is my homeso while on this earthfrom You I’ll not roam. Reaffirm my faith,my trust, my… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Empowered

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Empowered ~ By Deborah Ann May your inner man,be empoweredmay you not by sinbe overpowered. May you be rooted,by loved groundedmay your heart stayto Jesus bounded. May the Holy Spirit,give to you His mightmay by His strengthyou stay in the fight. May you be opened,to all of God’s fullnessmay your heart’s eyestake in all… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Faith You Possess

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Faith You Possess ~ By Deborah Ann It’s not about how much,faith you possess . . .it’s about in Whom you believethe Savior you profess. It’s about the True Foundation,on which you stand . . .it’s about putting your trustin God and not man. It’s not about the evidence,but a mind that is soundit’s… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Now That I am Alive

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Now That I am Alive ~ By Deborah Ann Now that I am alive,I no longer conform . . .to the ways of the worldnor to it’s social norms. For with Christ living in me,I now have a new lifereleasing me from the issuesonce causing me strife. Now that I am dead,to sin and transgressingI… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Child Of The Day

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Child Of The Day ~ By Deborah Ann Child of the day,children of the Lightput our trust in Godwith all of our might. Warriors on this earth,fighting off evilnesspledge never to returnto our former wretchedness Holy and righteous are we,holding on to the Lifeeven though it causes usworldly grief and strife. Awake, sober and alert,to the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Don’t Be Misled

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Don’t Be Misled ~ By Deborah Ann Don’t be misled,don’t be duped . . .with bad companydon’t be grouped. For they’ll corrupt,your biblical thinkingand soon to sin . . .you too will be winking. Don’t be tricked,don’t be fooledby bad friendsdon’t be ruled. For they’ll pervert,your Christian mindand soon you will tooby satan be blind.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Hungry, Thirsty Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Hungry, Thirsty Heart ~ By Deborah Ann The hungry heart,needs to be filledwith God’s Wordso to be skilled. Skilled in faith,trained in trustso to the world waysit will not adjust. The thirsty heart,needs to findGod’s peacefulnessin heart and mind. Calm and tranquility,amidst the mayhemso their souls too . . .God will not condemn. The… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Feeble Feet

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Feeble Feet ~ By Deborah Ann Some feet are feeble,they slip and they slideinto the darkness . . .they easily glide. But, God will not let,His saint’s feet fall awayif from His Word . . .they opt never to stray. Some feet are frail,they falter and triponto the world . . .their toes keep… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Penitent Soul

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Penitent Soul ~ By Deborah Ann Once you repent,fruit you will bearfor all of your sinswill be laid out bare. For a contrite heart,will forsake all evilfollow no longerthe ways of the devil. Once you profess,you are a sinnerworldly conformingno longer will hinder. For a penitent soul,desires no moreof what the worldhas for it… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Offend Me Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Offend Me Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Offend me Lord,with Your Wordlet me be convictedby the truth heard. Insult me Lord,with Your commandsso with false teachersI’ll not shake hands. Offend me Lord,let me feel the stingthat Your reproofin my life will bring. Shock me Lord,let my ears hearno sinner in heavenwill You let near. Outrage… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Victorious Life

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Victorious Life ~ By Deborah Ann A life victorious,is a life that overcomesfor, to the old man it diesand the new one it becomes. A life triumphant,is a life that’s no longerengrossed with the worldand all it has to offer. A life unbeaten,is a life that’s defeatedthe desires of the fleshfrom its hearts are… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Today’s Idols

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Today’s Idols ~ By Deborah Ann Today’s idols,are made of many thingsand oh the joy . . .to us that they all bring. We cradle them in our arms,with them we sit, we walk, we standwe’d never think to leave our homewithout one of them in our hand. Today’s idols.are made of plastic and… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Holy Spirit’s Power

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Holy Spirit’s Power ~ By Deborah Ann Holy Spirit,we all need Youto help us dailyto battle through. Without Your strength,to overcometo each temptationwe would succumb. Holy Spirit,God’s gift to usin Your powerwe need to trust. Without Your courage,to make us willingto the world wayswe’d still be living. Holy Spirit,who dwells withinonly You can give… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: With Their Lips Only

to GOD be the GLORY ~ With Their Lips Only ~ By Deborah Ann Some say they love Jesus,but, it’s with their lips onlyfor their actions do not matchwhat their words say so boldly. They tell you they believe,but, it’s not with their heartfor deep inside of themsin still plays an ugly part. Their faith and trust in God,they will openly… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Near-Sighted

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Near-Sighted ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, may my eyes not be,short or near-sightedmay they not becomefrom the world blighted. May on Your light,my focus always benot on the things going onright in front of me. Lord, may my vision,never get cloudymay my eyes on Yoube fixed soundly. May in the distance,I clearly see Younot… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Be Uncompromising

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Be Uncompromising ~ By Deborah Ann Be unshakeable,in the power of His mightbe unbendableto stand fast and fight. Be unyielding,to the wiles of the devilbe uncompromisingto all things evil. Be unfailing,in the Word be groundedbe unwaveringso not to be confounded. Be unflinching,to your transformationbe unrelentingin your moderation. Be unremitting,to what you know is truebe… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Holy Spirit’s Power

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Holy Spirit’s Power ~ By Deborah Ann Holy Spirit,we all need Youto help us dailyto battle through. Without Your strength,to overcometo each temptationwe would succumb. Holy Spirit,God’s gift to usin Your powerwe need to trust. Without Your courage,to make us willingto the world wayswe’d still be living. Holy Spirit,who dwells withinonly You can give… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Light Walking

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Light Walking ~ By Deborah Ann Light walking,is more than just talkingit’s knowing . . .when our sins are showing. It requires from all of us,in Jesus blood to trustto help us not to straywhile on the narrow way. Light walking,is more than just a callingit’s a willingnessto avoid all evilness. Then a real… (more…)

Today’s Poem: To Know The Fear Of God

to GOD be the GLORY ~ To Know the Fear of God ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, to know the fear,of God that is awesomeis to learn how to livein this world with caution. For, His Word warns us,to be not the world’s friendor with it godless waysto mix in or to blend. Oh, to know the wisdom,of Godly instructionis to… (more…)