Tag Archives: Fleshly Appetites

#throwbackpoem: A Victorious Life

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Victorious Life ~ By Deborah Ann A life victorious,is a life that overcomesfor, to the old man it diesand the new one it becomes. A life triumphant,is a life that’s no longerengrossed with the worldand all it has to offer. A life unbeaten,is a life that’s defeatedthe desires of the fleshfrom its hearts are… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Whatever Is Pure

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Whatever Is Pure ~ By Deborah Ann Whatever things are pure,that which is holy . . .think about such thingswith your heart, wholly. For, any other thoughts,to God are never pleasingonly to our fleshly appetitesare they really appeasing. Whatever things are unpolluted,that which is cleanthink about such thingsall else, to God is obscene. For, that… (more…)

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