Tag Archives: Strength

#throwbackpoem: Jesus Loves You Too

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Loves You Too ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus loves me,I know this to be truein fact I also knowHe loves you too. For in His Word,He tells us whyhow for our salvationHe was willing to die. Jesus loves me,I have no doubtfor in my lifeI didn’t shut Him out. I heard Him knock,He came… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Cracked

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Cracked ~ By Deborah Ann God gave me this body,and at first it was intactbut as it grew olderI saw it began to crack. Once the cracks started,they could not be stoppedfor the more I sinned . . .out more of them popped. The cracks started to chip,piece by piece they felland the more… (more…)

Today’s Poem: ~Unpluckable ~

to GOD be the GLORY ~Unpluckable ~ By Deborah Ann When you’re in a valley,not sure what way to gowhen the road ahead . . .isn’t one that you know. Look for Jesus’s light,to show you the waylisten for His voice . . .you’ll not be lead astray. When you’re in the fire,weak from all the heatwhen feeling overwhelmedbefore you suffer defeat. Follow your inner… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Oh, To Hear His Voice

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Oh, To Hear His Voice ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, to hear His voice in clarity,confusion to come to ceaseto rid our life of all anxietywith the infusion of His peace. To know His voice of wisdom,all foolishness put to an endto listen for His instructionson life’s every path and bend. To know His voice… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Why Are You Weeping

to GOD be the GLORY Why Are You Weeping ~ By Deborah Ann Why are you weepingwhy the tearswhy do you live outall of your fears? What is your sorrow,what is your griefwhat has you livingin disbelief? Who made you think,My love wasn’t truewho made you believeI would desert you? Where is your hope,who made you doubt . . .that from the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus’ Healing Touch

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus’ Healing Touch ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus’ healing touch,is just a brush away . . .when you go to Himon your knees and pray. He will touch your heart,mend the breaks withinput back all the piecestill a new life begins. Jesus’ saving touch,is close and near . . .He will rid your soulof all that… (more…)

Today’s Poem: This is My Savior

to GOD be the GLORY ~ This is My Savior ~ By Deborah Ann This is my Savior,He can be yours tooif you’d only let Himwork inside of you. He will instruct you,show you the wayHe will bring lightto your darkest day. He will make you,into someone newyour every thoughtHe will renew. This is my Savior,He wants to be yours toooh, just… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Old Man Crucified

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Old Man Crucified ~ By Deborah Ann Is the old man crucified,is he nailed to the treehave you to your past sinsfinally been set him free? For when the old man,you finally crucify . . .your old sinful natureyou’ll not want to satisfy. Is your old man dead,did he die to self and pridehave you… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Life Abundant

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Life Abundant ~ By Deborah Ann Lord You have given me,a life that is abundantone that is victoriousjubilant and triumphant. For, You have given me,victory over sinthough the thief may comemy soul he’ll never win. Lord, You have given me,grace plentifulall because You areso richly merciful. For, You have given me,hope everlastingand peace beyondmy… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Some People

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Some People ~ By Deborah Ann Some people are depressed,they feel there is no hopesome are plain disheartenedfinding it hard just to cope. Some people have a purpose,they know there’s a waysome people see the plan,for a brighter, peaceful day. Some people are lost,they feel they’re out at seasome are just driftingfloating in their… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Not Mine, But God’s

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Not Mine, But God’s ~ By Deborah Ann God’s strength, not mine,my sin, His forgivenessGod’s power, not minemy battles, His fight. God’s desires, not mine,my needs, His supplyGod’s demands, not minemy weakness, His might. God’s faithfulness, not mine,my defiance, His mercyGod’s compassion, not minemy rebellion, His favor. God’s plans, not mine,my bad, His goodGod’s time,… (more…)

Today’s Poem: When Confident

to GOD be the GLORY ~ When Confident ~ By Deborah Ann When we’re confident,when our faith is strongwe can bet on this . . .satan will come along. He wants to shake us,right off of our foundationby saying we’re not worthyof grace, unto salvation. When we’re confident,in the God whom we trustwe can be sure of this . .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Song Of Salvation

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Song of Salvation ~ By Deborah Ann With an open heart,I want to singabout my Lordmy God, my King I want to share,what’s on my soulsongs of the Onewho made me whole. I want to sing,of God’s favorhow in Christ’s deathHe became our Savior. I want to chime,eternity’s belland save a soulfrom the fires… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Life In The Pasture

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Life In The Pasture ~ By Deborah Ann Life in the pasture,isn’t always green . . .for nothing appearsalways as it seems. Though the grass is soft,underneath my feetoften with a dry patchmy footsteps still meet. That is why I pray,for Jesus to lead mearound the rough patchesbefore them I even see. For He is… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Not Mine, But God’s

to GOD be the GLORY God July 30, 2017 ~ Not Mine, But God’s ~ By Deborah Ann God’s strength, not mine,my sin, His forgivenessGod’s power, not minemy battles, His fight. God’s desires, not mine,my needs, His supplyGod’s demands, not minemy weakness, His might. God’s faithfulness, not mine,my defiance, His mercyGod’s compassion, not minemy rebellion, His favor. God’s plans, not mine,my… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Heart Searched By God

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Heart Searched By God ~ By Deborah Ann A heart searched by God,feels the pain and stingas He signals outevery sinful thing. It weeps and it sobs,begs for forgivenessfor it’s a heart awareof its own wickedness. A heart open to God,sees its carnal selfhow it puts importanceonly on and in itself. It sees the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Not I, But CHRIST

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Not I, But CHRIST ~ By Deborah Ann Not I, but Christ,is why I have graceto keep to the courseto stay in the race. For without Jesus,I’d couldn’t go the distanceand to temptationI’d have no resistance. Not I, but Christ,is why I can copeto remain steadfastto maintain the hope. For, without Jesus,I’ve not the mightnor… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Taking Up My Cross

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Taking Up My Cross ~ By Deborah Ann First thing in the morning,before I get out of bedI take up my cross . . .so by Jesus I can be lead. For, when I pick it up,it gives me the graceto keep my arrogancein its rightful place. First thing in the morning,I disrobe myself of… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Lord, Give My Faith A Backbone

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lord, Give My Faith A Backbone ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, give my faith a backbone,robust, sturdy and stronggive my spirit the bravenessto last my whole life long. Lord, help me not to be,cowardly and spinelessso for You I can be . . .courageous and fearless. Lord, give my trust a framework,rugged, durable and resilientgive… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Eternally Secured

to GOD be the GLORY ~ ~ By Deborah Ann You may try,but, I can’t be movedfor my soul to Jesusis unshakably glued. You may attempt,but, I can’t be priedfor my heart to Jesusis indefinitely tied. You may endeavor,but, I won’t be persuadedfor my life to Jesusis securely barricaded. You may aspire,but, I cannot be luredfor my mind to Jesusis… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God Ways Are Better

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Ways Are Better ~ By Deborah Ann God’s ways are not ours,for ours ways are skewedand often God’s directionwe don’t want to include. We think we understand,what God wants us to dobut we fail to look at thingsfrom His point of view. God’s plans are not ours,for ours are often rashbefore consulting Himout the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Faith Muscles

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Faith Muscles ~ By Deborah Ann If we’re to have,spiritual grit . . .we must keepour faith muscle fit. God’s Word we must engage,so trust can developthen joy, peace and hopeour lives will envelop. If we’re to be,spiritually strong . . .we’ll need to stop doingwhat we know is wrong. We’ll need to workout,the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: When Faithfulness You Befriend

to GOD be the GLORY ~ When Faithfulness You Befriend ~ By Deborah Ann When you trust in the Lord,you’ll want to do what is rightand pleasing Him will becomewhat you’ll do day and night. You will dwell in peace,your heart will be at restand you’ll touch othersso they too can feel blessed. When faithfulness you befriend,you’ll find an easier roadso… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Quiet Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Quiet Heart ~ By Deborah Ann The quiet heart,doesn’t fretover its worriesit dosen’t sweat. It knows to be,composed and collectedit knows its strengthto God is connected. The quiet heart,doesn’t stewover its caresit doesn’t spew. It knows to trust,to be clam and stillit knows its lifeis in God’s will. The quiet heart,doesn’t panicover life’s woesit’s… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Look Not

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Look Not ~ By Deborah Ann Look not to the past,don’t stop and turn your headinstead look to the futurewith Jesus up ahead. Don’t reminisce,on that which is already donerather let your heartto Jesus be eternally drawn. Look not to the past,remember not your regretsinstead look to the futureand the soon coming events. Don’t… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Spirit of Power

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Spirit of Power ~ By Deborah Ann God has not given us,a spirit of fear . . .but, one of His powerto keep us to Him near. No worry shall cause,us to tremble or shakenot even the enemycan author us to faint. God has not given us,a spirit of neglect . . .but, one… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Life Is Like A Road Trip

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Life Is Like A Road Trip ~ By Deborah Ann Life is like a road trip,a long winding excursionrequiring from uslots of physical exertion. But we often get,mentally fatiguedand need a rest stopso to be relieved. Jesus is that stop,the oasis of our hopewhere living waters fill uswith the strength to cope. Life is a… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Walking In His Light

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Walking In His Light ~ By Deborah Ann The children of Godwalk in His light . . .for they know everydaydarkness they’ll fight. They are battle ready,their armor they put onfor the children of Godto His Word are drawn. The children of God,by His Spirit are leadfor they know the trapssatan’s has for them ahead.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: That’s Why

to GOD be the GLORY That’s Why ~ By Deborah Ann The world is full of people,dishonest and unfaithfulthat is why to God . . .I am forever grateful. For God is trustworthy,in every single waythat is why I give Himmy praise night and day. The world is full of people,selfish and two-facedthat is why in God . . .my… (more…)

Today’s Poem: If God ~

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If God ~ By Deborah Ann If for us God has plans,if He knows our futurewhy don’t we believeand trust Him sooner? If He has for us good things,if He provides our needswhy don’t we follow Himregardless of where He leads? If God gives us joy,if He fills us with peacewhy doesn’t our faith… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Will Stop At Nothing

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Will Stop At Nothing ~ By Deborah Ann God will use everything,to draw us to Him nearerHe’ll do anythingto make His image clearer. He will use our pain,to take us that much deeperHe’ll use our sorrowto make us a true believer. God will use our guilt,to make us more gratefulHe will use our shameto… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Seesawing Faith

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Seesawing Faith ~ By Deborah Ann Is your faith teetering,is it hard to keep uprightdo find yourself strugglingin doing what is right? Does your joy get deflated,at the first sight of troubledo trials burst right throughyour confidence bubble? Is your trust like a seesaw,that goes up and downare you still trying to findthat piece… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Turning Fear into Faith

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Turning Fear into Faith ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, turning fear into faith,is possible to do . . .if only we would leaveour troubles with You. Then we would not be,anxious or dismayedwe’d have no reasonto ever be afraid. If we would only learn,in You we can trustthat all of our concernsYou will take from… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Victorious Life

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Victorious Life ~ By Deborah Ann A life victorious,is a life that overcomesfor, to the old man it diesand the new one it becomes. A life triumphant,is a life that’s no longerengrossed with the worldand all it has to offer. A life unbeaten,is a life that’s defeatedthe desires of the fleshfrom its hearts are… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: This Is My Cross

to GOD be the GLORY ~ This Is My Cross ~ By Deborah Ann This is my cross,it is mine to carryand it is up to methe old man to bury. This is my death,this is my demiseso that a new lifein Christ can arise. This is my cross,this is me dyingthis is me on myselfno longer relying. This is me… (more…)

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