Category Archives: Seasonal Poetry ~

#throwbackpoem: If We the People

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If We the People ~ By Deborah Ann Belka If we the people,of the USA . . .would humble ourselvesand pray. Then God would,forgive us our sinand bless these statesonce again. If we the people,were to seek His faceand admit to Himour sinful disgrace. Then God would,heal our landand united – under Himwe would again… (more…)

Today’s Poem: As The New Year Unfolds

to GOD be the GLORY ~ As The New Year Unfolds ~ By Deborah Ann As the old year departs,and the new one arriveslet us all show our thanksto the One who provides. Let us all worship,His almighty nameso to His goodnessour lips will proclaim. As the calendar peels,one page after anotherlet us all give praiseto our heavenly Father. Let us… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Unchangeable

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Unchangeable ~ By Deborah Ann As Autumn shows its colors,as it releases its golden hueI am reminded why it is Lordl’m so much in love with You. As I watch the season change,You my Lord remain the sameI’m reminded of Your glorywhen I say Your blessed name. As Autumn’s breezes come,trees shed their brilliant leavesI am… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Fall’s Refreshing Rain

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Fall’s Refreshing Rain ~ By Deborah Ann I love when God sends,Fall’s first refreshing rainto wash away the grimeon my soul’s windowpane. It helps me to see,over summers hot breakthe dryness that’s within . . .the changes I need to make. I study the dust settling,atop my old, trusty Bibleshaking it off I am readyfor a Holy Spirit revival.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Autumn’s Greeting

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Autumn’s Greeting~ By Deborah Ann When Autumn comes to greet me,God’s beauty is all I see . . .trees once draped with green leavesnow wear their golden sleeves. As Autumn’s days get shorter,and the nights turn much colderits full splendor begins to burstand in its wonder I’m immersed. Autumn’s splendid grandeur,turns me into a scenic… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Sowing And Reaping

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Sowing and Reaping ~ By Deborah Ann If we are to plant,we must also waterand trust the growingto our heavenly Father. If we want to reap,we need to sowand from doing goodweary we can’t grow. If we want to shout,with joy and gleethen seeds of faithwe need to set free. If we want to gather,fruit… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Finger Painting

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Finger Painting ~ By Deborah Ann I love when God,starts to finger paintAutumn’s glorious colorswith no holds or restraint. The colors splash about,vibrant shades of orange-redmingled with shiny sliversof brilliant golden thread. The streets begin to smear,with crispy yellow leavesas they do their wind danceto moonless roads they cleave. As the rain begins to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Praying For America

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Praying for America ~ By Deborah Ann Father, keep us safe,as we celebrate . . .our country’s freedomsthat have made us great. Let us not go further,down the road of sinhelp us to turn fromthe wickedness within. Bring us back,to trusting in Yougive this Nationa heart that is new. Make us humble,let us see our… (more…)

Today’s Poem: We Need a Miracle

to GOD be the GLORY ~ We Need A Miracle ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, on this day of celebration,of freedom and libertyI am so sad to see . . .in our country so much hostility. It grieves my heart,to see the hateful divisionI cringe at the thoughtof the future, I envision. It sickens my stomach,when I watch the nightly newsat… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Warm Summer’s Day

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Warm Summer Day ~ By Deborah Ann Give me a warm summer day,a cool breeze on my faceand I’ll tell you all about . . .my Father’s mercy and grace. For when I’m basking in,the warmth of His loveI find myself engulfedin His peace from above. Give me a long lazy day,with nothing else… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Good Morning Spiring

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Good Morning Spring ~ By Deborah Ann Good morning Spring,I’m so glad you’re herewith the sweet melodiesyou sing into my ear. I am so thankful,for your sunny raysfor the fragrant bloomsyou drift along my way. Good morning Spring,I have missed you sothank you for easingwinter’s every woe. Thank you for leaving,a carpet of warmnessfor letting… (more…)

POEM: Recipe For A Happy New Year

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Recipe for A Happy New Year ~ By Deborah Ann Take a cup of Forgiveness, stir in some of God’s grace then fold it into your heart and this recipe you’ll embrace. But, you’ll need to keep adding, more ingredients as you go if you plan on having a year where Love can rise and… (more…)

Spring Tease ~

I thought I saw the sun peeking, through the dark clouds today and in between the snowflakes I prayed Spring was on its way. For, I’m tired of the chilly days, and the long cold, frigid nights oh, how I wish Spring would come with its warm and friendly sights. I look at my barren garden, longing to see my… (more…)

Autumn Blessings ~

Autumn brings to the soul relief, as hot Summer days, slip to an end God sent the season for weary hearts to restore, repair and mend. Unlike the Autumn trees, that shed their changing leaves God sent the season for failing hearts to adhere, embrace and cleave. Just as with the Autumn winds, there comes a new refreshing rain God… (more…)

The Blessings of Spring ~

There are many blessings, that each new Spring brings you can see it bloom about and hear the song it sings. With winters bleakness over, and brighter days ahead comes promises of new life Springtime loves to spread. As God unfolds the flowers, and their buds begin to show He gives to us the assurance grace in our hearts will… (more…)