Category Archives: Worship ~ Praise Poetry ~

Today’s Poem: Morning’s Upon Me 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Morning’s Upon Me ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Morning’s upon me,a new day has dawnI rise with the dropsof dew on my lawn. Robins are singing,their voices are clearthe perfume of lilacsdrift though the air. I greet the new day,like the robins I singof God’s tender merciesa new day will bring. Aromas of grace,like lilacs… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Glory Declared

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Glory Declared~ By Deborah Ann The heavens declare God’s glory,the stars twinkle of His gracethe sun shines of His mercythe moon glows upon His face. They universe is His handiwork,all was formed by His finger tipseverything came into concertby the words from His own lips. The planets are in constant motion,as the earth… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Morning Song

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Morning Song ~ By Deborah Ann Early in the morning,before the sun is ablazeI give a shout of joywith a song of heartfelt praise. I make a sweet melody,to show God my gratitudeas I sing out my praiseswith a joyful attitude. Early in the morning,before the sun begins to riseI thank God for His… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Praise God Anyway

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Praise God Anyway ~ By Deborah Ann When you’re feeling stuck,in life and its daily rutswhen you feel as if . . .you’re just plain going nuts. Take a short breather,a minute or even twoand think of all that Godhas performed just for you. When you’re sick and tired,and away you want to runwhen life’s… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Make A Joyful Noise

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Make a Joyful Noise ~ By Deborah Ann Come all my friends,come one and all . . .let’s gather togetherand let our praise fall. Let’s make a noise,to God that’s joyfullet’s sing why we arethankful and hopeful. Let’s loudly proclaim,our love for Himlet’s tell why our cupsoverflow from the brim Let’s sing of our salvation,the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Rejoice, Rejoice In the Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Rejoice, Rejoice In the Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Rejoice, rejoice in the Lord,be glad and shout out with joyfor He will uplift you . . .and your doubts He’ll destroy. For those who trust in the Lord,haven’t anything to fearbecause they know to themHe is always close and near. Rejoice all who love the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Faith Streching

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Faith Stretching ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, today . . .I’ll be exercisingfor my faith can usesome real stretching. I’ll be doing,some strength trainingso towards the markI can keep straining. My perseverance,seems a little wobblyso I’ll be working ona more trusting strategy. I’ll need to do,some heavy liftingso my Bible I’ll pick upto keep… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I’ll Praise Him No Matter What

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I’ll Praise Him No Matter What ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, I’ll praise You in the quietness,when my soul is at restI’ll praise You in the tranquil timeswhen I’m feeling oh, so blessed. I’ll praise You while in the valley,when my spirit is feeling lowI’ll praise You in darker timeswhen I’m not sure which way… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I’ll Praise God No Matter What

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I’ll Praise Him No Matter What ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, I’ll praise You in the quietness,when my soul is at restI’ll praise You in the tranquil timeswhen I’m feeling oh, so blessed. I’ll praise You while in the valley,when my spirit is feeling lowI’ll praise You in darker timeswhen I’m not sure which way… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Singing In The Dark

to GOD be the GLORY April 17, 2018 ~ Singing In The Dark ~ By Deborah Ann It’s easy to sing,when the day is trouble freeit’s easier to give accoladesto God, when full of glee. It’s easy to sing,when all is looking brightit’s easier to praise Godwhen bathed in His light. It’s easy to sing,when all is going wellit’s easier to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Sing To Me Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Sing to Me Lord, Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann Today is a new day,yesterday is gone . . .tomorrow He promisesHe’ll bring a new song. Sing to me Lord Jesus,sing to my soulsongs that enlightensongs which console. Sing of Your coming,sweet music to my earssing of forgivenessthe drying of tears. Sing, oh my Lord Jesus,songs… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Morning Praise

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Morning Praise ~ By Deborah Ann When the morning comes, as the sun rises above sing your praise to the Lord for His mercy and His love. Let Him know you’ll need, the strength of His power right upon the start of your waking hour. When the new day breaks, as the sun shows… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Singing My Praise

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Singing My Praise ~ By Deborah Ann Heavenly Father, I sing You this song with the faith of one who is meek yet strong. With a grateful heart, I sing You my praise and my humble gratitude to You, I fearfully raise. Your Spirit inside me, has set my soul aflame igniting me to sing… (more…)

On the Sea of Bended Knee ~

On the Sea of Bended Knee ~ By Deborah Ann Father, I can hardly wait, until I see the sea of every single knee bowing down to Thee. The vision is so clear, as each soul accounts if, to You they were . . . rebellious or devout. Father, I can hear it now, the hum of every tongue singing… (more…)

Sing ~

Sing in the morning, sing in the night sing of salvation’s magnificent light. Sing in the storm, sing in the calm sing of salvation’s restoring balm. Sing in the evening, sing in the day sing of salvation’s new Life and Way. Sing in the sunshine, sing in the rain sing of salvation’s healing of pain. Sing in the morning, sing… (more…)

Oh, Sing my Soul Sing ~

n Sing, oh my soul, get down on your knees sing songs of praises oh, sing my soul, sing. Sing of His goodness, His faithfulness too sing of His kindness oh, sing my soul, sing. Sing of His mercy, lift your arms in the air sing of His compassion oh, sing my soul, sing. Sing of His grace, His forgiveness… (more…)

Giving My Praise ~

I praise God in the good times, I even praise Him in the bad I praise while I am happy I even praise His when I’m sad. In and out of every season, no matter the time of year I praise my Savior for being always close and ever near. I praise the Lord when I rise, I praise Him… (more…)

Praise Him No Matter What ~

Lord, I’ll praise You in the quietness, when my soul is at perfect rest I’ll praise You in the peaceful times when I am feeling oh, so blessed. I’ll praise You while in the valley, when my spirit is feeling low I’ll praise You in the darker times when I’m not sure which way to go. I’ll praise You from… (more…)

The Path of Praise ~

The path of praise is paved, with songs of joyousness glorious hallelujahs sung with thankfulness. Praise fills the hearts, of those who seek the Lord they sing salvation’s song with gratitude in each chord. Trusting voices raise offerings, of praise and adoration to their almighty God they sing their admiration. Faithful lips sing the words, of devotion to their Savior… (more…)

Morning Song of Praise ~

Early in the morning, before the sun is ablaze give a shout of pure joy a song of heartfelt praise. Make a sweet melody, and show your gratitude sing out your praises with a joyful attitude. Early in the morning, before the sun begins to rise remember His loving-kindness under the darken skies. Clap your hands together, lift your arms… (more…)

God, I Give You All the Glory ~

How shall I show my appreciation, for all You have done for me? Should I kneel in this space of time, unmoving on bended knee? Shall I lift my arms to the heavens, never to let them fall to my side? Should I raise my hands up even higher,  and never allow them to subside? Shall I shout from my… (more…)