Tag Archives: Forgiveness

Today’s Poem: The Process of Grief 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Process of Grief ~ By Deborah Ann Grief is a process,time it does not knowit keeps its own rhythmtis why it ebbs and flows. It swells like a wave,rising in your chestyou never know whenit will rise or crest. Grief is a phase,time means not a thingit keeps its own beattis why it’s so… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Joy Comes On Morning’s Light

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Joy Comes On Morning’s Light ~ By Deborah Ann Joy comes,to heart’s brokenjoy returnsin words unspoken. Joy arises,from out of the pitsjoy emergeswith strength and grit. Joy enters,with peace and calmjoy becomesthe soul’s healing balm. Joy reaches,into mind’s affectedJoy arriveswhen least expected Joy follows,weeping nightsjoy ariseson morning’s light! ~~~~~~ Psalm 30:5 For his anger endureth… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Blessing Upon Blessing

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Blessing Upon Blessing ~ By Deborah Ann Blessing upon blessing,God wants to giveHe wants you to repentso He can forgive. God wants your heart,He wants your soulin Him He wants youto be complete and whole. Mercy upon mercy,God wants you to receiveHe wants your faithso in Him you’ll believe. God wants your troubles,He wants… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Blessings of Assurance

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Blessings of Assurance ~ By Deborah Ann Each day in my Bible,I am blessed to readof every assurancethat I will ever need. I have a warranty,to God’s mercy and graceI have evidenceone day I’ll see His face. I have a verification,of life eternallyI have the Holy Spiritdwelling internally. I have confidence,God hears all my prayersI… (more…)

Today’s Poem: From Places Up High

to GOD be the GLORY ~ From Places Up High ~ By Deborah Ann Spiritual blessings,from places up high . . .are ours to beholdand daily apply. The blessings of grace,redemption and forgivenessthe blessing of being filledwith all of God’s richness. From the Father’s right hand,passed on to His Sonare all of His blessingsfor us to draw upon. The blessings… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I See God’s Wonder

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I See God’s Wonder ~ By Deborah Ann I see God’s wonder,I see His lightit does not fadeinto the night. It shines brighter,than the morning sunfor it radiates the loveof His begotten Son. I see the distance,between God and manI know His lovefills the spacious span. For, His love is eternal,forever it will go… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Redeemer Is Alive

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Redeemer Is Alive ~ By Deborah Ann My Redeemer lives,He is alive and wellfor in my heart . . .His Spirit now dwells. He loves me with,such a deep affectionHis death the epitomeof mercy’s perfection. My Redeemer lives,my faith in Him I placeHe gave His life for minesaved me with His grace. His… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I See God’s Glory

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I See God’s Glory ~ By Deborah Ann     I see God’s wonder,I see His Light . . .it does not fadeinto the night. It shines brighter,than the morning sunit radiates the Lightof His begotten Son. I see the distance,between God and manI see His love . . .fill the empty span. I… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Look Up Into The Heavens

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Look Up Into The Heavens ~ By Deborah Ann When you’re feeling gloomy,when you’re sad and bluelook up into the heavensyour hope will shine through. For, when we focus in on,our destiny that’s aboveour sadness will turn to joyin the light of eternal love. Where you’re feeling lonely,when you are all alonelook up into… (more…)

Today Poem: Feel Good Religion

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Feel Good Religion ~ By Deborah Ann I love the feel good religion,like the one you hear todayI like knowing God loves meno matter what I do or say. I like giggling and laughing,as the pastor jokes aroundI like all the modern musicwith that big band sound. I like the laid back attitude,the easygoing, off… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Old Paths

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Old Paths ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, the old paths,are in despair . . .chosen now the onesheading nowhere. The good, perfect way,is still out there . . .but, today it seemsnobody really cares. No one wants to see,the one true way . . .they would rather takethe one leading away. They are walking… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Ask, Seek, Knock, Enter

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Ask, Seek, Knock, Enter ~ By Deborah Ann Ask believing Jesus loves you,seek and Him you will findknock and the door will openenter and don’t look behind. Ask that Jesus will forgive you,seek and repent of your sinknock and He will free youenter and be cleansed within. Ask trusting Jesus will answer,seek and listen… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: In The Wilderness of My Soul

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In The Wilderness of My Soul ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, in the wilderness of my soul,there are valleys deep and low . . .and sometimes I wander in themnot sure the direction I should go. In my doubt I meet with despair,and my thoughts turn to giving upfor in my desperation . .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Love Released Me

to GOD be the GLORY   ~ Love Released Me ~ By Deborah Ann Love released me,from the miretook my lifelifted me higher. It picked me up,when I was downit stood me upon firm ground. Love pulled me,out of the pittook my heartraised my spirit. It hoisted me,in faith and hopeIt boosted mein trust to cope. Love removed,my doubt and… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: There’s No Hitchin’ A Ride

to GOD be the GLORY ~ There’s No Hitchin’ A Ride ~ By Deborah Ann It’s His way or the wrong way,there can be no other roadit’s His way or the long waywith sin’s burden as your load. It’s the cursed and risky path,that leads to self-destructionit’s the safe and secure paththat leads to God’s instruction. It’s His way or… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My God is So Big

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My God is So Big ~ By Deborah Ann My God is so big . . .He can conquer anythingHe can turn a dry riverinto a life-giving stream. My God is so big . . .He can carry my heavy loadHe can lift from me my burdenscause them to wither and erode. My God… (more…)

Today’s Poem: If We’re To Be Like Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If We’re To Be Like Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann To be more like Jesus,we must walk with Him each daywe must take up our own crossand follow Him on the narrow way. It’s an individual thing to decide,no one can tell you what to doafter the Sunday service is overit will be only… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Just Think

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Just Think ~ By Deborah Ann He still moves mountains,casts them into the seajust think what He can dofor you and me. He heals the lame,makes the blind eye seejust think what He can dofor you and me. He casts out demons,make them run and fleejust think what He can dofor you and me.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Joy Entered The World

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Joy Entered The World ~ By Deborah Ann Joy entered the world,Truth found its way inGrace penetrated throughall barrier’s of sin. Love came down from heaven,a Father’s Gift revealedLight infiltrated into heartsby His stripes they’re now healed. The Way emergencies,Jesse’s Branch shoots fortha Savior materializesout of a Virgin’s birth. Peace broke though,Flesh took on… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Whatever God Wills

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Whatever God Wills ~ By Deborah Ann God can do,whatever He willsHe can move mountainsor turn them into hills. God can make,the largest sea to partHe can softenthe stoniest heart. God can heal,the sick and the lameHe can removethe guilt and the shame. God can turn,water into wineHe can change mindscause them to His align.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Grace and Faith

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Grace and Faith ~ By Deborah Ann Grace and faith,brings true liberationfor, it’s the only wayto finding salvation. There’s no other path,that we can takeonly Jesus can sealour eternal fate. Grace and faith,fits just like a glovefor it’s the greatest giftof God’s merciful love. There’s no other road,for us to travel onthere’s only one wayto… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: No Rocket-Scientist Needed 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ No Rocket-Scientist Needed ~ By Deborah Ann It doesn’t take,a rocket-scientistit doesn’t takethe sciences. Faith is just,an act of trustit’s believingGod loves us. It doesn’t take,a philosopherit doesn’t takean astrologer. Faith is easier,than you thinkfor grace is . . .the saving-link. It doesn’t take,an anthropologistit doesn’t takea theologist. Faith is believing,Jesus died for youfaith is… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Hope For The Future

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Hope For The Future ~ By Deborah Ann Hope for the future,and for now and todaycomes when God’s planswe follow and obey. Hope brimming with joy,and of peacefulnesscomes when we walka life of faithfulness. Hope filled with trust,and blessed assurancecomes when we livea life full of pureness. Hope heart stilling,and mind calmingcomes when into sinwe… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Prisoner of Hope

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Prisoner of Hope ~ By Deborah Ann I’m a prisoner of hope,for Jesus captured methe day when from this worldHe came and set me free. I’m a prisoner of love,for Jesus gave me lifethe day when upon HimselfHe took my worldly strife. I am a prisoner of faith,for Jesus convicted meof the hidden sin… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Keep Focused

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Keep Focused ~ By Deborah Ann When you can’t see,the road aheadand the unknownfills you with dread. Keep your focus,on Jesus fiercelyand through His eyesyou’ll see more clearly. When you can’t decide,which way to goand your anxietybegins to show. Keep your faith,in Jesus whollyand He will show youthe way holy. When you can’t make,the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus Opens Hearts

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Opens Hearts ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus opens hearts,and doors too . . .He knows where to lookfor you and you. You cannot hide,behind your wallHe knows your nameyou’ll hear His call. You may run,but, He’s ahead of youyou may be unfaithfulbut, His love is true. You might wander,and go astraybut, He will find… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Faint Not

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Faint Not ~ By Deborah Ann Faint not,do not tiredon’t forgetsatan’s a liar. Keep on,keeping onfor your Fatherand His Son. Faint not,do not pass outdon’t let satancause any doubt. Press on,pressing onsoon the harvestwill be drawn. Faint not,do not surrenderkeep on pressing on . . .into heaven’s splendor! ~~~~~~~ Galatians 6:9 And let us… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God, My Assurance

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God, My Assurance ~ By Deborah Ann God my Assurance,my Promise, my Futureyou are my Confidencemy Mountain Mover. Create in me a heart,clean and blue trueso that I may drawnearer to You. God, my Guarantee,my Recourse, my RemedyYour mercy has given mepardon and clemency. Your blood atoning,has delivered me . . .from my sins that… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Only Jesus Can

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Only Jesus Can ~ By Deborah Ann Pressing times,are everywhereonly Jesus can . . .bear all the care. Evil aspirations,no matter the raceonly Jesus can . . .deliver saving grace. Confusing signals,meant to bewilderonly Jesus can . . .hopefulness deliver. Despairing visions,death and desperationonly Jesus can . . .bring true salvation. Pressing times,out to destroyonly… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: While The Lord Is Still Near

to GOD be the GLORY ~ While The Lord Is Still Near ~ By Deborah Ann Seek the Lord while He’s still near,while His mercy can still be foundpray for Him to direct you . . .while His Spirit is still around. Give to the Lord your whole heart,call on Him while you still canappeal to Him to renew your faithwhile… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Onward Press

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Onward Press ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, today,I must confessit was trulyone big mess. I bit the dust,fell flat on my faceI couldn’t get upif not for Your grace. Lord, today,I really blew itfailed to rely onthe Holy Spirit. On my own,I went off to fightwithout relyingon Your might. Lord, today,was truly a messbut… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Not Finished With Me

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Not Finished With Me ~ By Deborah Ann God’s not finished with me,I know this to be true . . .for, I can see all the thingsthat He has yet to do. I realize He got started,on me a long time agobut, I also know there’s stilla lot of room for me to grow.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Meaning To Life

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Meaning To Life ~ By Deborah Ann Life has more meaning,when in God you believeit is more enjoyable . . .when Jesus you receive. It is more peaceful,when others you forgiveit is more compatiblewhen love is what you give. Life has more to offer,when God you daily seekit is more agreeablewhen humble and meek. It… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Examine My Heart Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Examine My Heart Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, search my heart,from the inside outtell me where You findplaces of fear and doubt. See if You see in me,any remaining skepticismput into my heartby religious dogmatism. Lord, pull in the reins,of my heart todayharness them to followYour righteous ways. Yank hard if You must,so closer to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Greet Me At The Gate

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Greet Me At The Gate ~ By Deborah Ann Give me peace Lord,fill me with serenityso that I may facetoday’s uncertainty. Help me to keep,focused in on Youso my eternal aimis always in view. Keep my feet Lord,from the truth slippingkeep my hands Lordon my Bible gripping. Give me wisdom,for what’s lying aheadhelp me to… (more…)

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