Tag Archives: Isaiah 58:11

Today’s Poem: Jesus Leads Me

~ Jesus Leads Me ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Jesus leads me,on paths uprightand I follow Himmuch to His delight. He guides me in ways,I didn’t even knowand I trust the right oneto me He will show. Jesus leads me,in times of droughtHe helps me throughperiods of doubt. For He satisfies,my hunger and thirsttis why each morningI seek His face first.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Life Is Like A Journey

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Life Is Like A Journey ~ By Deborah Ann Life is like a journey,into a vast wildernessso often we get lostdue to our own willfulness. But when we let God,guide us with His Lightour pride and egowe can wisely fight. Life is like a journey,into a dark abyssso often we get stuckand the mark we… (more…)

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