Category Archives: Morning’s With Spurgeon

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.17.25

“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion.”~ Revelation 14:1 ~ The apostle John was privileged to look within the gates of heaven, and in describing what he saw, he begins by saying, “I looked, and, lo, a Lamb!” This teaches us that the chief object of contemplation in the heavenly state is “the Lamb of… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.16.25

“I will help thee, saith the Lord.”~ Isaiah 41:14 ~ This morning let us hear the Lord Jesus speak to each one of us: “I will help thee.” “It is but a small thing for Me, thy God, to help thee. Consider what I have done already. What! not help thee? Why, I bought thee with My blood. What! not… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.15.25

“Do as thou hast said.” ~ 2 Samuel 7:25 ~ God’s promises were never meant to be thrown aside as waste paper; He intended that they should be used. God’s gold is not miser’s money, but is minted to be traded with. Nothing pleases our Lord better than to see His promises put in circulation; He loves to see His… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.14.25

“Mighty to save.” ~ Isaiah 63:1 ~ By the words “to save” we understand the whole of the great work of salvation, from the first holy desire onward to complete sanctification. The words are multum in parro: indeed, here is all mercy in one word. Christ is not only “mighty to save” those who repent, but He is able to… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.13.25

“Jehoshaphat made ships of Tharshish to go to Ophir for gold: but they went not; for the ships were broken at Ezion-geber.”~ 1 Kings 22:48 ~ Solomon’s ships had returned in safety, but Jehoshaphat’s vessels never reached the land of gold. Providence prospers one, and frustrates the desires of another, in the same business and at the same spot, yet… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.12.25

“Ye are Christ’s.”~ 1 Corinthians 3:23 ~ Ye are Christ’s.” You are His by donation, for the Father gave you to the Son; His by His bloody purchase, for He counted down the price for your redemption; His by dedication, for you have consecrated yourself to Him; His by relation, for you are named by his name, and made one… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.11.25

“These have no root.“~ Luke 8:13 ~ My soul, examine thyself this morning by the light of this text. Thou hast received the word with joy; thy feelings have been stirred and a lively impression has been made; but, remember, that to receive the word in the ear is one thing, and to receive Jesus into thy very soul is… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.10.25

“There is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.”~ 2 Timothy 4:8 ~ Doubting one! thou hast often said, “I fear I shall never enter heaven.” Fear not! all the people of God shall enter there. I love the quaint saying of a dying man, who exclaimed, “I have no fear of going home; I have sent all before… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.09.25

“I will be their God.”~ Jeremiah 31:33 ~ CHRISTIAN! here is all thou canst require. To make thee happy thou wantest something that shall satisfy thee; and is not this enough? If thou canst pour this promise into thy cup, wilt thou not say, with David, “My cup runneth over; I have more than heart can wish”? When this is… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.08.25

“The iniquity of the holy things.”~ Exodus 28:38 ~ What a veil is lifted up by these words, and what a disclosure is made! It will be humbling and profitable for us to pause awhile and see this sad sight. The iniquities of our public worship, its hypocrisy, formality, lukewarmness, irreverence, wandering of heart and forgetfulness of God, what a… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.07.25

“For me to live is Christ.”~ Philippians 1:21 ~ The believer did not always live to Christ. He began to do so when God the Holy Spirit convinced him of sin, and when by grace he was brought to see the dying Saviour making a propitiation for his guilt. From the moment of the new and celestial birth the man… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.06.25

“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.”~ 1 Peter 5:7 ~ It is a happy way of soothing sorrow when we can feel HE careth for me.” Christian! do not dishonour religion by always wearing a brow of care; come, cast your burden upon your Lord. You are staggering beneath a weight which your Father would… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.05.25

“And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.”~ Genesis 1:4 ~ Light  might well be good since it sprang from that fiat of goodness, “Let there be light.” We who enjoy it should be more grateful for it than we are, and see more of God in it and by it.… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.04.25

“Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”~ 2 Peter 3:18 ~ GROW in grace not in one grace only, but in all grace. Grow in that root-grace, faith. Believe the promises more firmly than you have done. Let faith increase in fullness, constancy, simplicity. Grow also in love. Ask that your love may… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.03.25

“I will give thee for a covenant of the people.”~ Isaiah 49:8 ~ JESUS Christ is Himself the sum and substance of the covenant, and as one of its gifts, He is the property of every believer. Believer, canst thou estimate what thou hast gotten in Christ? “In Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” Consider that word… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.02.25

“Continue in prayer.”~ Colossians 4:2 ~ IT is interesting to remark how large a portion of Sacred Writ is occupied with the subject of prayer, either in furnishing examples, enforcing precepts, or pronouncing promises. We scarcely open the Bible before we read, “Then began men to call upon the name of the Lord;” and just as we are about to… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 01.01.25

“They did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.”~ Joshua 5:12 ~ ISRAEL’S weary wanderings were all over, and the promised rest was attained. No more moving tents, fiery serpents, fierce Amalekites, and howling wildernesses: they came to the land which flowed with milk and honey, and they ate the old corn of the land. Perhaps… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.31.24

“They did eat of the fruit of the land of Canaan that year.”~ Joshua 5:1 ~ Israel’s weary wanderings were all over, and the promised rest was attained. No more moving tents, fiery serpents, fierce Amalekites, and howling wildernesses: they came to the land which flowed with milk and honey, and they ate the old corn of the land. Perhaps… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.30.24

“Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.”~ Ecclesiastes 7:8 ~ Look at David’s Lord and Master; see His beginning. He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Would you see the end? He sits at His Father’s right hand, expecting until His enemies be made his footstool. “As He… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.29.24

“Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.”~ 1 Samuel 7:12 ~ The word “hitherto” seems like a hand pointing in the direction of the past. Twenty years or seventy, and yet, “hitherto the Lord hath helped!” Through poverty, through wealth, through sickness, through health, at home, abroad, on the land, on the sea, in honour, in dishonour, in perplexity, in joy,… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.28.24

“The life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God.”~ Galatians 2:20 ~ When the Lord in mercy passed by and saw us in our blood, He first of all said, “Live”; and this He did first, because life is one of the absolutely essential things in spiritual matters, and until… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.27.24

“Can the rush grow up without mire?”~ Job 8:11 ~ The rush is spongy and hollow, and even so is a hypocrite; there is no substance or stability in him. It is shaken to and fro in every wind just as formalists yield to every influence; for this reason the rush is not broken by the tempest, neither are hypocrites… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.26.24

“The last Adam.”~ 1 Corinthians 15:45 ~ Jesus is the federal head of His elect. As in Adam, every heir of flesh and blood has a personal interest, because he is the covenant head and representative of the race as considered under the law of works; so under the law of grace, every redeemed soul is one with the Lord… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.25.24

“Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”~ Isaiah 7:14 ~ Let us to-day go down to Bethlehem, and in company with wondering shepherds and adoring Magi, let us see Him who was born King of the Jews, for we by faith can claim an interest in Him, and can sing, “Unto us… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.24.24

“For your sakes he became poor.”~ 2 Corinthians 8:9 ~ The Lord Jesus Christ was eternally rich, glorious, and exalted; but “though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor.” As the rich saint cannot be true in his communion with his poor brethren unless of his substance he ministers to their necessities, so (the same rule holding… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.23.24

“Friend, go up higher.”~ Luke 14:10 ~ When first the life of grace begins in the soul, we do indeed draw near to God, but it is with great fear and trembling. The soul conscious of guilt, and humbled thereby, is overawed with the solemnity of its position; it is cast to the earth by a sense of the grandeur… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.22.24

“I will strengthen thee.”~ Isaiah 41:10 ~ God has a strong reserve with which to discharge this engagement; for He is able to do all things. Believer, till thou canst drain dry the ocean of omnipotence, till thou canst break into pieces the towering mountains of almighty strength, thou never needest to fear. Think not that the strength of man… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.21.24

“Yet He hath made with me an everlasting covenant.”~ 2 Samuel 23:5 ~ This covenant is divine in its origin. “HE hath made with me an everlasting covenant.” Oh that great word HE! Stop, my soul. God, the everlasting Father, has positively made a covenant with thee; yes, that God who spake the world into existence by a word; He,… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.20.24

“Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love.” ~ Jeremiah 31:3 ~ Sometimes the Lord Jesus tells His Church His love thoughts. “He does not think it enough behind her back to tell it, but in her very presence He says, ‘Thou art all fair, my love.’ It is true, this is not His ordinary method; He is a… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.19.24

“The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.”~ Proverbs 16:33 ~ If the disposal of the lot is the Lord’s whose is the arrangement of our whole life? If the simple casting of a lot is guided by Him, how much more the events of our entire life especially when we are… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.18.24

“Rend your heart, and not your garments.” ~ Joel 2:13 ~ Garment-rending and other outward signs of religious emotion, are easily manifested and are frequently hypocritical; but to feel true repentance is far more difficult, and consequently far less common. Men will attend to the most multiplied and minute ceremonial regulations for such things are pleasing to the flesh but… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.17.24

“I remember thee.”~ Jeremiah 2:2 ~ Let us note that Christ delights to think upon His Church, and to look upon her beauty. As the bird returneth often to its nest, and as the wayfarer hastens to his home, so doth the mind continually pursue the object of its choice. We cannot look too often upon that face which we… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.16.24

“Come unto me.”~ Matthew 11:28 ~ The cry of the Christian religion is the gentle word, “Come.” The Jewish law harshly said, “Go, take heed unto thy steps as to the path in which thou shalt walk. Break the commandments, and thou shalt perish; keep them, and thou shalt live.” The law was a dispensation of terror, which drove men… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.15.24

“Orpah kissed her mother-in-law; but Ruth clave unto her.”~ Ruth 1:14 ~ Both of them had an affection for Naomi, and therefore set out with her upon her return to the land of Judah. But the hour of test came; Naomi most unselfishly set before each of them the trials which awaited them, and bade them if they cared for… (more…)

Morning’s With Charles Spurgeon ~ 12.14.24

“They go from strength to strength.”~ Psalm 84:7 ~ They go from strength to strength. There are various renderings of these words, but all of them contain the idea of progress. Our own good translation of the authorized version is enough for us this morning. “They go from strength to strength.” That is, they grow stronger and stronger. Usually, if… (more…)

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