Category Archives: CHRISTian Living Poetry ~

#throwbackpoem: God Can

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Can ~ By Deborah Ann Having a hard time,these trying of dayshaving troublesfinding God’s ways? Having trials and tests,tribulations toodon’t know where to goor what more you can do? Having second thoughts,and nagging doubthaving a hard timefiguring everything out? Well, don’t give up yet,or lose your hopedon’t you quit nowor throw in the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: If Only More People

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If Only More People ~ By Deborah Ann   If only more people,would others forgiveoh, what a better world . . .in which we would live. Then there would be,no more sorrow and grieffor bitterness would beshort lived and brief. If only more people,would turn the other cheekoh, how this world . . .would… (more…)

Today’s Poem: In Faith Be Done

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In Faith Be Done ~ By Deborah Ann May all you do,in faith be donemay your life . . .reflect the Son. May all you say,in faith be saidmay your heart . . .be willingly lead. May all you achieve,in faith be obtainedmay your soul . . .remain unstained. May all you tell,in faith be… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Drop By Drop 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Drop By Drop ~ By Deborah Ann Drop by drop,hope drips in . . .til goose bumpsform on my skin. Shivers of glory,tingles of peaceas each dropletGod releases. Drip by drip,hope seeps intil my elationforms a big grin. Smiles of bliss,cheers of delightwith each tricklemy soul it excites Hope drips in,drop by drop . .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Onward Press

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Onward Press ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, today,I must confessit was trulyone big mess. I bit the dust,fell flat on my faceI couldn’t get upif not for Your grace. Lord, today,I really blew itfailed to rely onthe Holy Spirit. On my own,I went off to fightwithout relyingon Your might. Lord, today,was truly a messbut… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Shine His Light

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Shine His Light ~ By Deborah Ann In a world full of darkness,shine His light . . .in these times of uncertaintybe His light. In the lives of those lost,radiate the Light . . .in the souls that are dyingexpose the Light. In the hearts that are hurting,exude the Light . . .in the minds… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Evidence Of Charity

to GOD be the GLORY The Evidence Of Charity ~ By Deborah Ann Justified by faith,the good works we dowhen Jesus we followthe Gospel of You. From works of the law,we are no longer boundnow that our salvationin You we have found. Justified by faith,to produce good fruitwhen in You, Lordthey grow and take root. Then kindness will be,out of our… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Now That I am Alive

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Now That I am Alive ~ By Deborah Ann Now that I am alive,I no longer conform . . .to the ways of the worldnor to it’s social norms. For with Christ living in me,I now have a new lifereleasing me from the issuesonce causing me strife. Now that I am dead,to sin and transgressingI… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Rise Up Again

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Rise Up Again ~ By Deborah Ann We all take misguided steps,causing us to stumble . . .we all take a nose divewhen into sin we tumble. But, we who have faith,can rise up again . . .for we know we needfrom all evil to abstain. We all say things we shouldn’t,causing an avalanche .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Soul Aches

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Soul Aches ~ By Deborah Ann My soul aches,to be compliantit longs to beon God reliant. For I am in awe,of His holinessmaking me awareof my lowliness. My heart yearns to be,onto God cleavingso I may serve Himthrough righteous living. For to be obedient,I need to walkthe voice I hearwhen to me He talks.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Say No To Negative Thoughts

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Say No To Negative Thoughts ~ By Deborah Ann Negative thoughts,have no real placein hearts and mindsflowing with grace. For they will plug up,and stop the flowmaking being soberharder for you to know. Negative thoughts,play with the minduntil a sound oneyou no longer find. For they’ll pull you down,take complete controland suck all the hoperight out… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Child Of The Day

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Child Of The Day ~ By Deborah Ann Child of the day,children of the Lightput our trust in Godwith all of our might. Warriors on this earth,fighting off evilnesspledge never to returnto our former wretchedness Holy and righteous are we,holding on to the Lifeeven though it causes usworldly grief and strife. Awake, sober and alert,to the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Meaning To Life

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Meaning To Life ~ By Deborah Ann Life has more meaning,when in God you believeit is more enjoyable . . .when Jesus you receive. It is more peaceful,when others you forgiveit is more compatiblewhen love is what you give. Life has more to offer,when God you daily seekit is more agreeablewhen humble and meek. It… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Denying Ourself

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Denying Ourselves ~ By Deborah Ann If we are in Jesus,to believe and trustfaith in ourselveswe’ll need to adjust. For when we’re on Him,completely reliantthen to our own meanswe’ll be less dependent. If we are in Jesus,to completely obeythen our self-interestswe’ll need to put away. For to take up the cross,we must ourselves denythen to… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Bold Attitude

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Bold Attitude ~ By Deborah Ann Be of good courage,have a bold attitudeask God to give youstrength and fortitude. For He wants to make,your faith in Him strongso you won’t be defeatedwhen problems come along. Be of good courage,let your mind be at restbe confident in knowingGod’s has for you His best. For He wants… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Halves and Half Nots

to GOD be the GLORY ~The Halves and Half Nots ~ By Deborah Ann Some people’s glass,always seems filledwhile others only see . . .what from it spilled. Some people are happy,with what from God they getothers over their portion . . .grumble, bemoan and fret. Some people’s glass,is always brimmingwhile others only view . . .how much is missing. Some people… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God’s Good Pleasure

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Good Pleasure ~ By Deborah Ann Father, when I consider,the good pleasure of Your willit causes me to pause . . .to be quiet and be still. For out of Your goodness,You sent Your beloved sonto offer redemptionto each and everyone. Jesus, when I consider,the richness of Your graceit causes me to reflectso Your life… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Spiritual Air

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Spiritual Air ~ By Deborah Ann Some times a spiritual breath,we all need to take in . . .to expel the soot and grimeof living in a world full of sin. We need to slowly inhale,the promises of God Wordso we can draw upon . . .the truth we have heard. Sometimes we all need,to… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I Will Follow Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Will Follow Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann I will follow Jesus,wherever He leadsbe it fields of cloveror ones full of weeds. I will go after Him,leave all behind meso I can trust Him . . .for what I cannot see. I will follow Jesus,my own cross I will bearbe it on stormy seasor ones calm… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Hanging On

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Hanging On ~ By Deborah Ann Some people hang on,to people and things . . .but my soul on the Lordeternally clings. Some people hold on,to issues from their past . . .but my soul hangs onto the hope that will last. Some people are hanging,on to things they stock . . .but my soul… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Salt And Light

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Light and Salt ~ By Deborah Ann If we’re to be the light,where is our shine . . .if we’re to expose evilthen where is our spine? If we know with God,all things are possiblethen why aren’t we sharingevery sin is washable? If we’re to be the salt,then where is our grit . . .if… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Let’s Agree To Disagree

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Let’s Agree To Disagree ~ By Deborah Ann Can we agree,to disagree . . .can we concurour differencesto defer. For we’ll never see,eye to eye . . .for my lovefor JesusI’ll not deny. Can we agree,not to offend . . .can we decideour riftsto suspend. For we’ll never see,things the same . . .for my faithis… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Lord, May I Too

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lord, May I Too ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, give me a faith,just the same as Yours . . .so I may too cross the seaand meet You where You are. Give me an attitude,absent of any doubtso I may too trust Youfrom my boat to come out. Lord, give me a faith,steadfast and trueso… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Don’t Be Misled

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Don’t Be Misled ~ By Deborah Ann Don’t be misled,don’t be duped . . .with bad companydon’t be grouped. For they’ll corrupt,your biblical thinkingand soon to sin . . .you too will be winking. Don’t be tricked,don’t be fooledby bad friendsdon’t be ruled. For they’ll pervert,your Christian mindand soon you will tooby satan be blind.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Amazing Light

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Amazing Light ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, give me a warm heart,a spirit that is bright . . .let me see everythingthrough Your amazing light. Let me see morning’s dawn,even when it’s bleaklet me see Your splendorwhenever You I seek. Let me be grateful,for each new day givenlet me be thankfuleven when storm driven.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Return

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Return ~ By Deborah Ann Everywhere I look,everywhere I turn . . .Lord, I see the needfor so many to return. Return from wandering,from going astrayreturn back to . . .the Life, Truth and Way. Everywhere I step,everywhere I goLord, I notice thosejust going with the flow. Flowing with the world,conforming to its waysfollowing… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Entering Into The Faithful Race

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Entering Into The Faithful Race ~ By Deborah Ann I’m putting on my sneakers,entering into the faithful raceso I’m cushioning my soulwith God’s mercy and His grace. The contest that’s before me,seems a million-miles longbut I will trust in Jesus . . .to help me finish strong. With Him running with me,I’ll focus in on… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Heavenly Minded People

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Heavenly Minded People ~ By Deborah Ann Saintly people,right on earth herewaiting for Jesus . . .to again appear. Human bodies,echoing God’s lovebiding our time . . .til we’re with Him above. Earthly beings,living in unityawaiting to spend . . .with Jesus eternity. Foreigners and aliens,born again anewready for Jesus . . .to make all… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Spiritual Eyes

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Spiritual Eyes ~ By Deborah Ann When you are given,spiritual eyes . . .you will keep themon the prize. For eyes focused,on what isn’t clearare eyes that knowJesus’ return is near. When you are given,eyes that believetrue understandingthey will receive. For eyes devoted,to the Life and Wayare eyes to the Truthalways willing to stay.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Walk Worthy Of My Talk

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Walk Worthy Of My Talk ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, may my walk,be worthy of my talkmay it resonate You . . .in all I say and do. May it be suitable,to You applaudablemay it be observedas a walk reserved. Lord, may my walk,be worthy of my talkmay it bring to You . .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Humble Me Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Humble Me Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Humble me Lord,into submissionhelp me to makea heartfelt transition. Teach me all about,true obedienceso I may give to Youmy full allegiance. Humble me Lord,no matter the painbreak me free fromsin’s cursing chain. Show me how to live,a life lowly and meekgive me the strengthto turn the other cheek.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Keep Me Humble Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Keep Me Humble Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Humble me Lord,into submissionprepare my heartfor the transition. Take away the pride,still inside of meso more like YouI can meekly be. Humble me Lord,remove my smug egoso my self-assuranceI can at last forgo. Teach me to have,modest obedienceso I can pledge to youmy full allegiance. Keep me… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Totally Surrendered

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Totally Surrendered ~ By Deborah Ann Totally surrendered,God wants it allall that you havenothing is too small. You need to give Him,all of your heartHe wants the whole of itnot just a tiny part. Totally surrendered,God wants to seehow much you wantlike Jesus to be. You need to submit,to His perfect willyou must be… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Hamster Wheel Faith

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Hamster Wheel Faith ~ By Deborah Ann Some Christian’s faith,is like a hamster wheel . . .and the faster they gothe more their faith reels. They never stop spinning,around and around . . .for their faith isn’t rootedon the firm, solid ground. Some Christians don’t see,their in a spiritual rutor notice by sin . .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Spiritual Temperature

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Spiritual Temperature ~ By Deborah Ann We all need to take,our spiritual temperaturewe all need to see . . .daily how it registers. For the sin of lukewarmness,lies dormant in all of uswe only first notice itas it tempers in God our trust. We all need to check,out spiritual thermometerwe all need to record… (more…)

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