God loves you so much. I think that most people do not understand the depth of His love. This is something I have had to find out on my own and I have come to realize how complex at times I have made it, but in reality it is so very simple.
Here are some of the things that I have discovered over the years.
1. He loves me because He understands me.
2. He loves me because He knows me from the inside.
3. He loves me because He knows that I am imperfect.
4. He loves me because He understands my weaknesses.
5. He loves me because He made me.
6. He loves me because He does and that is the ultimate truth. HE LOVES ME!
The world may hate me, but He loves me. In that moment, in the flash of this reasoning, I found what matters most in my life.
It is so simple, stop making it so hard. God love you, all of you, every wonderful imperfect part of you, and He wants your love too.
He loves us so much He sent His Son to make all our imperfection right. Come and meet His Son.
John 3:16