Tag Archives: God’s Glory

Today’s Poem: Shine

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Shine ~ By Deborah Ann Shine on me Lord Jesus,shine on me Your gracelet the joy I found in Youradiant off my grateful face. Shine on me Your  love,Your mercies ever tendershine on me Your goodnesstill I glow in Your splendor. Shine on me Lord Jesus,shine on me Your faithfulnesslet the love I have… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Lord, Show Me Your Glory

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lord, Show Me Your Glory ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, show me Your glory,let Your goodness revealmercy that’s everlastingceaseless, undying and real. Show me Your brilliance,a glimpse of Your lightwhere there’ll be no needfor daytime or night. Lord, show me Your glory,let Your perfection shinegive me a glimpse of paradiseheavenly and divine. Show me… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I See God’s Glory

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I See God’s Glory ~ By Deborah Ann     I see God’s wonder,I see His Light . . .it does not fadeinto the night. It shines brighter,than the morning sunit radiates the Lightof His begotten Son. I see the distance,between God and manI see His love . . .fill the empty span. I… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Glory Declared

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Glory Declared~ By Deborah Ann The heavens declare God’s glory,the stars twinkle of His gracethe sun shines of His mercythe moon glows upon His face. They universe is His handiwork,all was formed by His finger tipseverything came into concertby the words from His own lips. The planets are in constant motion,as the earth… (more…)

Today’s Poem: What A Wonderful God

to GOD be the GLORY ~ What A Wonderful God ~ By Deborah Ann I see God in the sky,in the light of the moonI see Him in the starsthrough the universe strewnand I think to my self . . .what a wonderful God! I see God in the hills,in the valley belowI see Him in the streamsthroughout the earth flowand… (more…)

Today’s Poem: What A Wonderful God

~ What A Wonderful God ~ By Deborah Ann I see God in the sky,in the light of the moonI see Him in the starsthrough the universe strewnand I think to my self . . .what a wonderful God! I see God in the hills,in the valley belowI see Him in the streamsthroughout the earth flowand I think to my self.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: May Your Eyes Be Opened

to GOD be the GLORY ~ May Your Eyes Be Opened ~ By Deborah Ann May your eyes be opened,to spiritual understandingmay the hope you now havekeep your faith expanding. May you be enlightened,to the truth you’ve foundmay your heart be guardedand your mind stay sound. May your eyes discover,God’s beauty and wondermay upon His goodnessthey contemplate and ponder. May His… (more…)

Today’s Poem: God’s Finger Painting

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God’s Finger Painting ~ By Deborah Ann I love when God,starts to finger paintAutumn’s glorious colorswith no holds or restraint. The colors splash about,vibrant shades of orange-redmingled with shiny sliversof brilliant golden thread. The streets begin to smear,with crispy yellow leavesas they do their wind danceto moonless roads they cleave. As the rain begins to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Oh, What A Vision

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Oh, What A Vision ~ By Deborah Ann Oh what a vision, oh, what a sight now that I see all in God’s light. Oh, what a promise, oh, what a story I can hardly imagine God in all His glory. Oh, what a future, oh, what a plan now that my life is in… (more…)

God’s Glory Declared ~

to God be the Glory By Deborah Ann The heavens declare God’s glory, the stars twinkle of His grace the sun shines of His mercy the moon glows upon His face. They universe is His handiwork, all was formed by His finger tips everything came into concert by the words from His own lips. The planets are in constant motion,… (more…)

Sing ~

Sing in the morning, sing in the night sing of salvation’s magnificent light. Sing in the storm, sing in the calm sing of salvation’s restoring balm. Sing in the evening, sing in the day sing of salvation’s new Life and Way. Sing in the sunshine, sing in the rain sing of salvation’s healing of pain. Sing in the morning, sing… (more…)

The Inner Man’s Fullness ~

May the riches of God’s Glory, give you, your inner strength so you will come to appreciate His love at its greatest length. May the power of His Spirit, dwell within your inner man so you may comprehend the width of His mighty hand. May your faith be firmly rooted, grounded in His perfect love so your spiritual understanding comes… (more…)

Just A Glimpse ~

Lord, give me just a glimpse, of how heaven’s going to be let me peek into the room You have reserved for me. Let me see the streets, paved with forever peace let me gaze upon the path where grief, will finally cease. Lord, give me just a glimpse, into the land of no more fear let me glance into… (more…)

My Kind of Hope ~

My hope is built on, things I cannot see . . . not on the troubles today, surrounding me. On them I don’t focus, I’m looking forward to the day God’s glory . . . comes shinning thru. Today’s sufferings, don’t compare to the day when everyone’s tears . . . will all be wiped away. I’m eagerly awaiting, for… (more…)