#throwbackpoem: Direction’s Needed

to GOD be the GLORY

~ Direction’s Needed ~

By Deborah Ann Belka

When you’re not sure,
of the way to go . . .
when you need someone
the correct way to show.

Open up your ears,
to God’s divine direction
and He will lead you
to the path of perfection.

When you’re not convinced,
which way you should turn . . .
when you need to have
the wisdom to discern.

Open up your Bible,
learn to walk in it ways
and God will lead you
for the rest of your days.

When you need directions,
so you can be Spirit led . . .
open up your ears . . .
to that voice in your head!


Isaiah 30:21

And thine ears shall hear
a word behind thee, saying
This is the way walk ye in it
when ye turn to the right hand
and when ye turn to the left

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2022
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

How did this Bless you ~