Today’s Poem: A Time of Thankfulness

to GOD be the GLORY

~ A Time of Thankfulness ~

By Deborah Ann

A time of thankfulness,
a time for gratitude
a time to consider . . .
a new daily attitude.

Not just for the season,
but all the year through
Lord may we be grateful
for all for us You do.

A time of blessings,
a time for application
a time to show God
our heartfelt adoration.

A hourly appreciation,
for all and every thing
Lord may we be thankful
for whatever You bring.

A time of gratitude,
a time for thankfulness
a time to bless God with . . .
seamless gratefulness!


Psalm 34:1

I will bless
the Lord at all times:
his praise shall
continually be in my mouth.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2019
Deborah Ann Belka

How did this Bless you ~