Today’s Poem: What God’s Begun

to GOD be the GLORY

~ What God’s Begun ~

By Deborah Ann

What God's Begun ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann

God’s been working,
in me I know . . .
and what He began
is starting to show.

He’s given my mind,
a transformation
to follow His ways
until my completion.

He’s taken my heart,
once made of stone
gave me a new one
just like His own.

He’s breathed new life,
into my dead soul
gave it His Spirit
to be in control.

Every day of my life,
He is working in me
I know its His image
He’s wanting to see.

God is not finished,
with what He’s begun
and I can hardly wait . . .
until with me He’s done!


Philippians 1:6

“Being confident of this very thing,
that he which hath begun a good work
in you will perform it until
the day of Jesus Christ:”

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2016
Deborah Ann Belka

How did this Bless you ~