Where There’s Forgiveness ~

Will Your Forgive Me by Jason Sheveland free photo #6130
Where there is forgiveness,
there is relief ~
where there is forgiveness
there is belief ~
For, when you forgive someone,
God will set your heart free
and from the pain and hurt
He will heal your memory.
Where there is forgiveness
there is love ~
where there is forgiveness
there is a God above ~
For, when you forgive another,
God’s love, you will release
and the anguish that you feel
will turn to everlasting peace.
Where there is forgiveness,
there is light ~
where there is forgiveness
there is new sight ~
For, when you forgive someone,
God’s truths will shine through
and you’ll see all the reasons
why Jesus died for you!
2 Corinthians 2:10
 King James Version
“To whom ye forgive any thing,
 I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing,
 to whom I forgave it, for your sakes
 forgave I it in the person of Christ;”
Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

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