As For Me and My House ~

As For Me and My House used with permission Doorstop Verses
As for me and my house . . .
I’m inviting Jesus to come to live
and my heart and my soul
to Him I am going to give.
But, first I must make it ready,
clean up all the mess
so I’m starting with the sins
I know that I need to confess.
Then I’ll search for the idols,
which keep me from Him
the ones new and shiny
all those old and dim.
I’ll toss them all out,
replace them with my Bible
and the books of the old preachers
whom I know are reliable.
I’m making sure I am ready,
so the Lord, I can serve
because me and my house . . .
knows it’s what Jesus deserves!
Joshua 24:15
King James Version
“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord,
 choose you this day whom ye will serve;
 whether the gods which your fathers served
 that were on the other side of the flood,
 or the gods of the Amorites,
 in whose land ye dwell:
 but as for me and my house,
 we will serve the Lord.”
Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

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