Category Archives: World ~ Flesh ~ Satan Poetry ~

#throwbackpoem: The Mark Of The Beast

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Mark of The Beast ~ By Deborah Ann Father in heaven,Lord of my lifehelp me to battlethe New World strife. Keep my soul ready,to receive Thy instructionskeep my heart watchfulto the New Order abduction. Keep my mind alert,to Thy holy wisdomkeep my thoughts unlikethe One World System. Keep my eyes aware,to see it… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Wake Up Call

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Wake Up Call ~ By Deborah Ann The alarm has been set,the hour is drawing nearand in these final momentsthe wake-up call is clear. The signs are all there,just as we’ve been toldand it’s time to speak upand for God to be bold. Just take a look around,and tell me what you seehaters of… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: There’s A Conspiracy

to GOD be the GLORY ~ There’s A Conspiracy ~ By Deborah Ann There is a conspiracy,a plot is in the air . . .if you’d really look into itit’ll give you quite a scare. There is a heist,a robbery of our sensesone day you and I . . .will be left with no defenses. There is a plot,a scheme… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Wolves

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Wolves ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, I’m having a problemseeing things in Your lightfor, there’s so much deceitthat I daily have to fight. I’m having difficulty,with finding the straight wayfor, there’s so many preacherswith something different to say. I’m having a struggle,with finding the Gospel factsfor, there’s so many Bibleswhere the truth is not… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Saving Grace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Saving Grace ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, today I’m in need,of more of Your loving patiencemine is getting weary . . .at times it’s hard to be gracious. I’m requesting from You,the fortitude to withstandthe effects of man’s rebellionspreading all across the land. I’m asking You to give me,some extra staying powerso I may shine Your… (more…)

Today Poem: Feel Good Religion

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Feel Good Religion ~ By Deborah Ann I love the feel good religion,like the one you hear todayI like knowing God loves meno matter what I do or say. I like giggling and laughing,as the pastor jokes aroundI like all the modern musicwith that big band sound. I like the laid back attitude,the easygoing, off… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Old Paths

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Old Paths ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, the old paths,are in despair . . .chosen now the onesheading nowhere. The good, perfect way,is still out there . . .but, today it seemsnobody really cares. No one wants to see,the one true way . . .they would rather takethe one leading away. They are walking… (more…)

Today’s Poem: From The Beginning

to GOD be the GLORY ~ From the Beginning ~ By Deborah Ann From the beginning of time,sin has played its part . . .in severing any fellowshipwith God from man’s heart. Once a walk in the garden,turned into a stroll down sin’s pathit was bound to lead mankindto the throne of His wrath. Man’s love for knowledge,to increase his… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: When The Final Storm Comes

to GOD be the GLORY ~ When the Final Storm Comes ~ By Deborah Ann When the final storm comes,will your house standhas it been built on the Rockor upon the grains of sand? While on this earth,was Jesus your foundationor did the world’s lustshold your fascination? When flood waters came,what Anchor did you choosedid you abide in Jesusor did… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Discount Religion

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Discount Religion ~ By Deborah Ann A discount religion,is being offered todaywith no talk about sinor spiritual decay. No need for repentance,heaven everyone will reapmaking the death of Jesuslook cut-rate and cheap. Bargain basement prices,tolerance is the big sellwith a shoddy guaranteeno one will end up in hell. Eternal life to one and all,no matter your… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Age Of Rejection

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Age of Rejection ~ By Deborah Ann We are living in,the age of rejectiona time where we seefrom God a defection. It’s an era of change,a time of redirectionfrom the Truth and Waywe’ve lost the connection. It’s a movement,of rebellion and pridewhere our sinful lustswe no longer hide. It’s a real revolution,it is not… (more…)

Today’s Poem: In The Name of Tolerance

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In The Name of Tolerance ~ By Deborah Ann God gave us His commands,to follow and obeybut, that is not what’s taughtin some pulpits today. Instead we’re being told,the laws God once gavecan be changed to fithowever we want to behave. They promote transgression,in the name of toleranceskewing the Words of Jesusto suit their preference.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Children Of Knowledge

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Children of Knowledge ~ By Deborah Ann The children of knowledge,walk in the Light . . .yet everyday darknessthey still have to fight. They wear the breastplate,of their faith and loveto protect themselvesfrom wicked powers above. The children of awareness,are watchful and wisethey can see right throughsatan’s disguises and lies. They wear the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Redeeming Today

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Redeeming Today ~ By Deborah Ann Today I’m redeeming,the time God’s allottedI’ll use it wiselyso evil can be spotted. I am going to walk,so ever cautiouslymy steps I will panvery carefully. Today I’m redeeming,every hour of my dayI’ll be ready to facewhatever comes my way. My armor I’ll have on,into God’s Word I will… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A War On Freedom

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A War On Freedom ~ By Deborah Ann There’s a war going on,between God’s Kingdomand the evil forces tryingto take away our freedom. It’s a conflict of dominance,of making good out of evilfought by those who openlywant to make sinfulness legal. The powers from up high,are out to destroy youby making you do and… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Dispisers Of Truth

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Despisers Of Truth ~ By Deborah Ann   You can talk until,you’re blue in the facebut, some don’t wantto hear about grace. You can tell them about,God and His mercy and lovebut, they still won’t believein His kingdom above. You can speak your mind,all that you wantbut, their transgressions will not their soul’s haunt.… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Winning The Fight

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Winning The Fight ~ By Deborah Ann Each day is a battle,we must fightagainst the darknesswith God’s light. Against the forces,led by the devilagainst his armiessaying good is evil. Our spiritual enemies,are all around usto their wicked waysthey want us to adjust. But, we must stand,for what we believeand their evil lieswe must not… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Wickedness

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Wickedness ~ By Deborah Ann Wickedness,here and higher placesevilnessright before our faces. Darkness,spreading all aroundtreacherytrying to keep us down. Liars,standing in front of usdeceiversmandating us to trust. Powers,destroying democracyrulersfull of hypocrisy. Wickedness and evil,requiring us to fightwith the Truth found . . .in the Armor of Light! ~~~~~~~~ Ephesians 6:12-13 For we wrestle not… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Hungry People

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Hungry People ~ By Deborah Ann Hungry people,are all aroundthese starved soulsin darkness abound. In an ungodly world,that is full of lustfor they don’t thinkthey’ll return to dust. Famished souls,don’t want the truththeir wanton desiresappease and soothe. There’s a deep ache,they have insideand so from Godthey choose to hide. But God knows,their real hungerand He will… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Heart Grieves

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Heart Grieves ~ By Deborah Ann My heart grieves,as this nation fallsfor it no longer heedsGod’s righteous calls. It has all but turned,away from His graceour leaders no longerseek His divine face. Man has succeeded,to remove God’s lawsI grieve for a nationnow in Satan’s claws. We’ve come a long way,in a very short span .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: If Only We Would

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If Only We Would ~ By Deborah Ann If we the people ofthe good old USAwould only be humblebefore God and pray . . . Then He would forgive us,of our rebellion and sinand bless once morethese States we live in. If all we the people,were to seek His faceconfessing and repentingof our sinful disgrace.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Things I’ve Seen

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Things I Have Seen ~ By Deborah Ann I have seen morality fade,the withering of man’s ethicsI have seen people lives canceledby the pundits and skeptics. I have seen a government,become by greed corruptI have seen the rage of hateon city streets erupt. I have seen earthy riches,turn cold the heart of manI have… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Evildoers

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Evildoers ~ By Deborah Ann Evildoers are all around,with haughty eyes they do seekall those who they believe . . .are the world’s meek and weak. But, we who trust in the Lord,have nothing to really fearthough they our reputations . . . want to destroy and smear. Evildoers roam the earth,with lying tongues… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Brewing Storm

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Brewing Storm ~ By Deborah Ann There’s a coming storm,for years its been brewingwe all have been privyto its ominous warning. It’s been building up,for many a decadeyou can smell in the airthe filth, rot and decay. There’s a disturbance,it’s out on the horizonoff in the distancethere is an eerie siren. If you listen… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Love Of The World

to GOD be the GLORY The Love of The World ~ By Deborah Ann The love of the world,is but foolishness . . .all it has to offeris truly meaningless. It’s full of vanities,prideful, greedy lustone day all it offerswill tarnish and rust. The love of the world,is empty, grim and graveonce you desire of itto it you’ll be a slave.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Saving Ray of Light

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Saving Ray of Light ~ By Deborah Ann Though the sun is out,it’s as if it’s still nightfor the darkness I seepermeates my sight. No matter where I look,I see the wickedness . . .no matter where I goI see satan’s evilness. Though it’s a new day,I’m engulfed by dreadas I watch immoralityover the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Troubles Abounding

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Troubles Abounding ~ By Deborah Ann In this fallen world . . .they’ll be troubles aboundingworries and caresconceptually confounding. But, Jesus said we’re not,to fret or to despairbut to hand over to Himour every single care. Each day there’s enough,troubles of its ownpacked full of anxietyfrom the things unknown. But, Jesus insisted,we are not… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Fools Mouth

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Fool’s Mouth ~ By Deborah Ann A fool could care less, about knowing God’s will a fool to his own ways will never be still. A fools mouth, never quits running a fool doesn’t care for whom he is gunning. A fool loves to vent, rant and to rage a fool has no real… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Dancing With The Wolves

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Dancing With the Wolves ~ By Deborah Ann So many today, dancing with the wolves so many are following their slippery hooves. So many today, are deceivingly mislead so many aren’t being the truth, anymore fed. So many today, are living in the darkness so many aren’t looking for Christ and His likeness. So many… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Spiritual Wickedness

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Spiritual Wickedness ~ By Deborah Ann Spiritual wickedness, in high and low places both in shadow’s dark and open lit up spaces. Evilness all around, scouring the earth the top of the world evil’s plotting berth. Wicked devilish powers, cruel and ruthless rulers of destruction cold and heartless. Vicious, vile spirits, enemies of mankind… (more…)

Poem: There Is No Good In Evil

to GOD be the GLORY ~ There Is No Good In Evil ~ By Deborah Ann Calling evil good, is the majority’s rule and if you don’t agree . . . you’re considered a fool. For, when we tell the truth, about man’s wickedness we are told we are bigot’s filled with hatefulness. Calling good evil, is the track mankind is… (more…)

Poem: Satan’s Defeat

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Satan’s Defeat ~ By Deborah Ann He is subtle he is sly he is cool he is spry. He is elusive, he is real he is raw he is steel. He is evil, he is mean he is wicked he is lean. He is cunning, he is roaring he is sleek he is imploring.… (more…)

Spiritual Wickedness

~ Spiritual Wickedness ~ Spiritual wickedness,in high and low placesboth in shadow’s darkand open lit up spaces. Evilness all around,scouring the earththe top of the worldevil’s plotting berth. Wicked devilish powers,cruel and ruthlessrulers of destructioncold and heartless. Vicious, vile spirits,enemies of mankindinvisible destroyersof hearts and minds. Spiritual wickedness,satan’s wolf pack . . .so get on your armorand be ready to… (more…)

Seperation Of Church and State

  The following information is from the ADF.  The ADF is a group of lawyers who are going up against the ACLU and other groups who want to do away with our religious freedoms. Thank You For Visiting 2,690