Today’s Poem: Ditching Your Own Plans

to GOD be the GLORY

~ Ditching Your Own Plans ~

By Deborah Ann Belka

As you get to know,
who God really is . . .
you’ll ditch your plans
and go after His.

For He has a purpose,
for you and your life
one filled with peace
not of earthly strife.

The more you understand,
just what is God’s will
the more of it to you
He will daily reveal.

For His plans will unfold,
the more of Him you seek
and you’ll see His purpose
the more you are meek.

God has a plan for you,
this you must not doubt
for in you He is working . . .
all good things out!


Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts
that I think toward you,
saith the Lord, thoughts
of peace, and not of evil,
to give you an expected end.

Romans 8:28

And we know that all things
work together for good to
them that love God, to them
who are the called according
to his purpose.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2022
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

How did this Bless you ~