Press On ~

Run the Race used with permission from Doorpost Verses on Facebook
Forget what is behind you,
 no need to look back
 for Jesus has forgiven
 He never keeps track.
Don’t think about the past,
 or what you’ve done wrong
 let go of your weaknesses
 press on, and be strong.
Don’ let your past losses,
 cause you anguish or pain
 count them all as victories
 for your Savior’s gain.
Press on, and move forward,
 the goal is quite clear
 give everything to Jesus
 without any doubt or fear.
Forget what is behind you,
 make Jesus your Lord . . .
 press on, towards Heaven
 and receive your true reward!
Philippians 3:14
“I press toward the mark for the prize
 of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
King James Version
 by Public Domain
Copyright 2013
 Deborah Ann Belka

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