Tag Archives: God

Today’s Poem: The Fullness of God 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Fullness of God ~ By Deborah Ann He isn’t the God,of the have or have not’sHe is the God . . .for all of our needs and wants. He isn’t the God,of the half-full, half-emptyHe is the God . . .who has for each one plenty. He isn’t the God,of only the poor in… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Blessed Are The Meek

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Blessed Are The Meek ~ By Deborah Ann Blessed are those who are humble,those who are submissive and meekthose who give themselves to Godwho’s will they obediently seek. Blessed are those who are gentle,those who are patient and tolerantthose who are rarely provokedwho are restrained and moderate. Blessed are those who are tranquil,those who are… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Trust Fund

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Trust Fund ~ By Deborah Ann Got me a trust fund,use it every dayI can always count on itespecially when I pray. God is the grantor,His assets are all mineit’s just like havingan eternal credit line. I withdraw from it often,but I never take a lossfor the rates are based onthe finished work of… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Blessed Are We

~ Blessed Are We ~ By Deborah Ann Happy are they who trust,who in God put their faithblessed are we who obeywe who from God do not stray. Happy are they who believe,who in God place their careblessed are we who are surewe who in God are secure. Happy are they who hope,who in God are persuadedblessed are we who are compliantwe… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Amazed

to GOD be the GLORY   ~ Amazed ~ By Deborah Ann I fear God for one reason,and it’s not that I’m afraidI fear His mighty power . . .for, it leaves me amazed. I stare in astonishment,as I view the works of His handhow all has come togetherat His direction and command. I worship Him and marvel,as I gaze out… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Despicable Me

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Despicable Me ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, when compared to You,who am I . . .for, I am but despicablein Your watchful eye. I am minuscule,compared to Your greatnessI am but a vaporin all of Your grandness. Lord, when compared to You,what am I . . .for, I am pitifulin Your zealous eye. I… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Days Are The Lords

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Days Are The Lords ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, You know my days,the number of my yearsYou know the exact timethat my life will be here. I pray I will use it wisely,giving honor to Your nameI ask that You will help menot to bring You any shame. Lord, You have given me,this… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Whenever I’m Afraid

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Whenever I’m Afraid ~ By Deborah Ann Whenever I am afraidand fear comes my wayI stop what I am doingand to my Lord, I pray. I won’t allow my fears,to take away my calmfor in Jesus I do trustto be my soothing balm. In God’s loving-kindness,He sent me His peaceand Jesus died for meto… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Light Of My Salvation

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Light of My Salvation ~ By Deborah Ann The Lord is my strength,without Him I can do nothingwith Him all is possible . . .for I trust Him in everything. Though my troubles are many,my hope is in His lightHis salvation brings me peacetakes my fear from the night. I will trust in… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Can

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Can ~ By Deborah Ann Having a hard time,these trying of dayshaving troublesfinding God’s ways? Having trials and tests,tribulations toodon’t know where to goor what more you can do? Having second thoughts,and nagging doubthaving a hard timefiguring everything out? Well, don’t give up yet,or lose your hopedon’t you quit nowor throw in the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Got God

to GOD be the GLORY Got God? By Deborah Ann You can ride through this life,in an expense car . . .but if you don’t got Godyou won’t get too far. You can make all the money,to your heart’s desire . . .but if you don’t got Godall you’ll earn is hell’s fire. You can wear fancy jewelry,buy the finest… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Throne Of Grace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Throne of Grace ~ By Deborah Ann I throw myself,on the throne of graceGod’s mercy my soullongs to embrace. My trust I lay,at Jesus feetsinner and Saviorat last do meet. He knows my heart,my repentant tearsfor in His booksare wandering years. My life now follows,His righteous waysHis Word and lawsdirects my days. To… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: All Things Are Possible

to GOD be the GLORY ~ All Things Are Possible ~ By Deborah Ann All things are possible,when in God you trustall things are promisingwhen you see He is just. All things have meaning,when in God you believeall things have purposewhen His Spirit you receive. All things are a blessing,when God you obeyall things come togetherwhen to Him you pray.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Storms Are A Part Of Life

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Storms Are A Part of Life ~ By Deborah Ann Storms are a part of life,it’s just the way it goes . . .often we find ourselves tossedby the direction the wind blows. Some storms come out of nowhere,they seem to blind-side uscausing us to doubtcomplain, protest and fuss. Sometimes we’re given a warning,that… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Of Promise

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Of Promise ~ By Deborah Ann Weaved throughout the Bible,are God’s promises galoreassurances guaranteedfor us to read and explore. There are promises of hope,for today and the futureeach one an eternal pledgeto give our soul a booster. There’s the promise of comfort,the wiping away of our tearsand the one that brings us peaceknowing… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Be Still

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Be Still ~ By Deborah Ann Be still, my soul, be at peace,let not thy worries overcomebe still, and know He is your Godand will  your heart-strings strum. Be still, my heart and let go,let surrender be thy sweet releasebe still, and know God’s saving powerto eternity, can never fail or cease. Be still,… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Door

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Door ~ By Deborah Ann When you are troubled,tired and feeling blueremember there’s someonewho truly cares for you. Jesus, is that someone,He’s there to lend an earso there’s really no reasonto worry, doubt, or fear. He’s waiting at the door,waiting for your knockthe door is always openyou’ll never find it locked. Once the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My God is So Big

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My God is So Big ~ By Deborah Ann My God is so big . . .He can conquer anythingHe can turn a dry riverinto a life-giving stream. My God is so big . . .He can carry my heavy loadHe can lift from me my burdenscause them to wither and erode. My God… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Hand Molded

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Hand Molded ~ By Deborah Ann Hand molded,each little curvemade with loveso God we can serve. Formed out of clay,a vessel to be usedin our hearts . . .God’s Spirit  infused. God is the Potter,Christ is the moldand His ways . . .we’re to keep and hold. Sometimes we crack,under the pressurebut God will… (more…)

Today’s Poem: In His Hands

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In His Hands ~ By Deborah Ann Sometimes problems come,changing all our plans . . .making it ever clearerall things are in God’s hands. Hands that long to hold,to comfort and to consolehands that want to healthe ache within the soul. Hands that desire to reach,far into the heart and mindhands that hold perfect… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Knows

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Knows ~ By Deborah Ann God knows what you need,even before you do . . .He knows the path and the waythat He has prepared for you. God knows your future,good things are in His plansbut you must trust and believeand put your life in His hands. God knows your troubles,they are in… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A Trusting Heart

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Trusting Heart ~ By Deborah Ann A trusting heart knows God,it is filled with His peaceit has a calmness deep withinthat it knows will never cease. It is full of worship and praise,is triumphant in all its waysit is devoted and committedhonoring God with all its days. It is steadfast and faithful,it has… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Full Submission

~ Full Submission ~ By Deborah Ann There is a love,that’s for God aloneand in our hearts  . . .He must sit on the throne. This love must be,for Him conclusivelyfor He desires . . .our hearts exclusively. For God, is a jealous God,He will not toleratea heart where His lovedoes not generate. There cannot be,another lover of our soulHis… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Thrill Of Trusting

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Thrill Of Trusting ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, the thrill of trusting God,to meet our every needto no longer live in fearor follow where it may lead. Oh, how great is the faith,of the one who doesn’t doubtwho stands on the promiseGod will figure all things out. Oh, how great is His delight,when… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: If God Is The Potter

to GOD be the GLORY ~ If God is the Potter ~ By Deborah Ann If God is the potter,shouldn’t we be more pliableso He could mold us to Himto be more flexible? If God is the potter,shouldn’t we rest in His handsso He could mold into usHis purpose and plans? If God is the potter,shouldn’t we be more adaptableso… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I Trust

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Trust ~ By Deborah Ann   I trust in God,His mercy for memy hope is in . . .what I can’t see. My faith is set,on things abovemy heart restson eternal love. I rely on God,for what is goodmy soul rejoicesjust as it should. My future’s solid,on the Rock I standby faith I… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Sustaining Faith

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Sustaining Faith ~ By Deborah Ann My faith has sustained me,through life’s’ ups and downsit has been with me . . .through laughter and frowns. My faith has carried me,through tragedy and griefit has provided me . . .with strength and relief. My faith has helped me,though periods of droughtit has saved me .… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Our Bodyguard

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Our Bodyguard ~ By Deborah Ann God is our defender,our bodyguardwhen to His wayswe regard. God is our anchor,our safety-netwhen in His wayswe are set. God is our rescuer,our life-saverwhen to His wayswe don’t waiver. God is our protector,our safety-shieldwhen to His wayswe humbly yield. God is our bunker,our bodyguardwhen after His wayswe follow… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Ocean’s Shore

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Ocean’s Shore ~ By Deborah Ann As I stroll along,the ocean’s shoreI feel blessedto my very core. Though I don’t know,the water’s depthI’m sure the Lord guidesmy every step. As I listen to,the waves that roarI trust God’s Spiritover storms to soar. Just like the warm sand,and cool sea must meetI know God’s the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God, My Light 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God, My Light ~ By Deborah Ann God, my Light,my Beacon, my Raygive me Your clarityupon each new day. Be my earthly guide,help me to navigateas I make my journeyinto the narrow gate. God, my Light,my Lamp, my Beammay Your Word be to mea life-giving stream. As I travel onward,my every step directso I too… (more…)

Today’s Poem: In God’s Waiting Room

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In God’s Waiting Room ~ By Deborah Ann In God’s waiting room,I sometimes have to stayit where He teaches methe whys for His delay. He wants me to know,waiting has its due seasonand soon I will gatherthe answers to His reason. He uses this waiting time,for me to focus on His faceso that I can… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Here I AM

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Here I AM ~ By Deborah Ann Here I AM,looking out for youcounting your every stepguiding you all the wayeach and every day. Here I AM,feeling all your hurthealing all your paintaking away the stingshielding you with My wing. Here I AM,always besides younever leaving, never partingfor I AM always hereI AM forever near. Here I AM,seeing… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I Thirst & Hunger

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Thirst & Hunger ~ By Deborah Ann I hunger for the truth,like a lion I search all dayfor God’s provisionsto uphold me on my way. I get down on my knees,seek to find His faceI ask Him to sustain mein the bounty of His grace. I thirst for His wisdom,like a deer I pant… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Jesus Is All I Need

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Is All I Need ~ By Deborah Ann All that I need, Jesus is it,all that I was, He has seenall of the pieces finally fitfor He is all I need. All that I desire, He gives,all that I want, He has gotall of my sins, He forgivesfor He is all I need. All… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Bible Is Like A Mirror

to GOD be the GLORY November 30, 2019 ~ The Bible Is Like A Mirror ~ By Deborah Ann The Bible is like a mirror,it reflects yourself so trueit shows all the hidden sinyet living inside of you. But if you never read it,how will you ever gleanthe areas in your lifeGod still needs to make clean. The Bible is like… (more…)