Tag Archives: Eternal Life

Today’s Poem: The Hope Of Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Hope Of Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann Belka I pray for all the eyes,that still need openingso on the hope of Jesusthey can start focusing. For when they open,up to Him their eyesthey’ll see right throughall of satan’s lies. I pray for the hearts,that need enlighteningso they will see the sinthat they’re entertaining. For… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Keeps His Promises

~ God Keeps His Promises ~ By Deborah Ann God keeps His promises,His Word never failsHis promises He keepsright down to the details. Promises of new life,that His Son bringspromises of hopeto work out all things. Promises of comfort,when trails we facepromises of new mercyand sufficient grace. Promises of blessings,of every spiritual kindpromises of His peaceto guard heart and mind.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Blesseds From God

to GOD be the GLORY “Blesseds” From God ~ By Deborah Ann   “Blesseds” from God,are all over the placeblessings filled with . . . .His love and grace. For the meek and humble,those poor and the pureare blessings of hopeto help you endure. For the thirsty and hungry,the peacemakers tooare blessings of mercyGod bestows onto you. For those persecuted,the ones… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Lord, Show Me Your Glory

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Lord, Show Me Your Glory ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, show me Your glory,let Your goodness revealmercy that’s everlastingceaseless, undying and real. Show me Your brilliance,a glimpse of Your lightwhere there’ll be no needfor daytime or night. Lord, show me Your glory,let Your perfection shinegive me a glimpse of paradiseheavenly and divine. Show me… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Night Sky

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Night Sky ~ By Deborah Ann When I look out,on the sky at nightI stand gaping . . .at the starry sight. I recall the days,when I was youngand the many wisheson them I made upon. But, now when I see,their starry twinklingthey have me on . . .eternal life thinking. Instead of wishing,for… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Redeemer Is Alive

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Redeemer Is Alive ~ By Deborah Ann My Redeemer lives,He is alive and wellfor in my heart . . .His Spirit now dwells. He loves me with,such a deep affectionHis death the epitomeof mercy’s perfection. My Redeemer lives,my faith in Him I placeHe gave His life for minesaved me with His grace. His… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I See God’s Glory

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I See God’s Glory ~ By Deborah Ann     I see God’s wonder,I see His Light . . .it does not fadeinto the night. It shines brighter,than the morning sunit radiates the Lightof His begotten Son. I see the distance,between God and manI see His love . . .fill the empty span. I… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Look Up Into The Heavens

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Look Up Into The Heavens ~ By Deborah Ann When you’re feeling gloomy,when you’re sad and bluelook up into the heavensyour hope will shine through. For, when we focus in on,our destiny that’s aboveour sadness will turn to joyin the light of eternal love. Where you’re feeling lonely,when you are all alonelook up into… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Days Are The Lords

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Days Are The Lords ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, You know my days,the number of my yearsYou know the exact timethat my life will be here. I pray I will use it wisely,giving honor to Your nameI ask that You will help menot to bring You any shame. Lord, You have given me,this… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: In The Wilderness of My Soul

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In The Wilderness of My Soul ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, in the wilderness of my soul,there are valleys deep and low . . .and sometimes I wander in themnot sure the direction I should go. In my doubt I meet with despair,and my thoughts turn to giving upfor in my desperation . .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Throne Of Grace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Throne of Grace ~ By Deborah Ann I throw myself,on the throne of graceGod’s mercy my soullongs to embrace. My trust I lay,at Jesus feetsinner and Saviorat last do meet. He knows my heart,my repentant tearsfor in His booksare wandering years. My life now follows,His righteous waysHis Word and lawsdirects my days. To… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Divine Design

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Divine Design ~ By Deborah Ann For you God has,a divine design . . .if you let your willwith His entwine. Then for you His plans,you will begin to findas you open up to Himyour heart and mind. For you God has,a divine life . . .if you give to Himyour earthly strife. Then… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Fears Repellent

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Fear’s Repellent ~ By Deborah Ann The perfect love of God,fear drives backit gives believers . . .the faith they lack. It removes all doubt,thwarts uncertaintyit gives us assurance . . .of heaven’s eternity. The perfect love of God,knows no dreadit makes believers . . .in Him instead. It holds no torment,no trepidationit gives… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: There’s No Hitchin’ A Ride

to GOD be the GLORY ~ There’s No Hitchin’ A Ride ~ By Deborah Ann It’s His way or the wrong way,there can be no other roadit’s His way or the long waywith sin’s burden as your load. It’s the cursed and risky path,that leads to self-destructionit’s the safe and secure paththat leads to God’s instruction. It’s His way or… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I’m Completely Convinced

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I’m Completely Convinced ~ By Deborah Ann   I am convinced I belong to God,that nothing can separate usI am sure and I am confident . . .and so in Him I put all my trust. Storms may toss and blow my way,but I will not be swept out to seafor I am sure… (more…)

Today’s Poem: To Wonderful For Words

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Too Wonderful For Words ~ By Deborah Ann   Too wonderful for words,too glorious to explain . . .is what God has in storefor those in Him who remain. No one has ever seen,no eyes have been givena glimpse into paradisefor those who are forgiven. Too wondrous for the heart,too marvelous for the mindthe… (more…)

Today’s Poem: For Thou Are With Me

to GOD be the GLORY ~ For Thou Are With Me ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, You’ll never leave me,this I know is a factfor You have my frontand You guard my back. You see all my comings,and notice wherever I goYour rod and staffmakes my faith grow. For, they lead and direct me,to pastures where I gleamthe truth of… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: I Am Delighted

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Am Delighted ~ By Deborah Ann My soul delights in those,who trust and wait for Meit gives My heart vast pleasurewhen blind eyes begin to see. They are My faithful servants,to whom I will upholdthe elect that I have chosen,I lovingly gather to My fold. I have poured out My Spirit,on those who… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: A Lively Hope

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A Lively Hope ~ By Deborah Ann I’ve got me a lively hope,a perpetual supply of gracefor I know one glorious dayI’m going to see God face to face. I’ve got me a transforming hope,an abundant supply of favormercy beyond all measurein the Lord my eternal Savior. I’ve got me an active hope,and I’m… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Hope

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Hope ~ By Deborah Ann While my flesh,withers awaymy hope is ina better day. The time coming,when I’ll be at peacewhile I’m waitingmy hope won’t cease. As I wait,for the Lord to comeon my heart-stringsmy hope will strum. Looking onward,Jesus in my sighteternal life . . .hopes greatest delight. While my flesh,withers away… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Hope Holds

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Hope Holds ~ By Deborah Ann He fills me with joy,I overflow with His peacemy happiness in Jesuswell, how could it cease? For, I am submerged,in His mighty powermy hope presses throughthe darkest of hours. He saturates me,with eager anticipationfor the day of His returnI’m drenched in elation. I am full to the… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Savior

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Savior ~ By Deborah Ann When I was lost,Jesus found meHe opened my eyesso His grace I’d see. When I wandered,Jesus looked for meHe brought me homeso His mercy I’d see. When I stumbled,Jesus caught meHe loosened my loadso His favor I’d see. When I failed,Jesus helped meHe shined His lightso the way… (more…)

Today’s Poem: If Only

~ If Only ~ By Deborah Ann If we’re to have a bright future,we must willingly follow God’s plansif we’re going to walk in faithwe must put our trust in His hands. If we’re not to be weary,we must give God our distressif we’re to find rest for our soulswe must be willing to onward press. If we’re to have strength and… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Cup Runneth Over

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Cup Runneth Over ~ By Deborah Ann My cup it runneth over,with tender mercy it flows . . .my cup can never be emptiedfor in my heart Jesus grows. My cup is full of a lasting joy,with a love never to cease . . .my cup will never drain outfor in my heart… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Soul’s Destiny

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Soul’s Destiny ~ By Deborah Ann I’ve entered the race,I’m going for the goldto win it I’ll need . . .to be brave and bold. If I’m to finish well,I’ll need to work outmy faith in Jesusand shed any doubt. I don’t want to run,out of energy or steamlest the crown of lifeI… (more…)

Today’s Poem: ~ Still The Wise Seek Him ~

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Still The Wise Seek Him ~ By Deborah Ann Still the wise seek Him,they look to the Morning Starthey follow where He may leadno matter how near or far. They come to praise Him,to worship and to adorethe wise still seek will Himas the ones did from before. The wise still offer Him,gifts from… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Joy Entered The World

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Joy Entered The World ~ By Deborah Ann Joy entered the world,Truth found its way inGrace penetrated throughall barrier’s of sin. Love came down from heaven,a Father’s Gift revealedLight infiltrated into heartsby His stripes they’re now healed. The Way emergencies,Jesse’s Branch shoots fortha Savior materializesout of a Virgin’s birth. Peace broke though,Flesh took on… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Word Was Made Flesh

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Word Was Made Flesh ~ By Deborah Ann The Word was made flesh,all things became newthe Light of the worldilluminating the view. A new life was given,one filled with peaceas truth and gracewas being released. The Word became man,guiding all who believedthe promise of His Spiritone day would receive. A hope like no… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Faith Like a Child

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Faith Like a Child ~ By Deborah Ann Give me childlike faith,without any obstructionsgive me the Word of Godwithout any deductions. Give me an attitude,of believing, void of doubtgive me the true Gospelwithout taking anything out. Give me faith like a babe,trusting in every way . . .give me the pure Scripturesto feed upon… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Through the Eyes Of God Grace

to GOD be the GLORY August 30, 2016 ~ Through the Eyes Of God’s Grace ~ By Deborah Ann I got me this thing,but, at it I don’t lookinstead my eyes are onwhat’s in the Good Book. This thing is pretty heavy,but, it doesn’t weigh me downbecause I am focusingon my everlasting crown. One thing I know for sure,what I have… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: What is Hope

to GOD be the GLORY ~ What is Hope ~ By Deborah Ann Hope is for today,it’s for tomorrow toohope is knowing Godalways pulls through. Hope is eternal,it is everlastinghope is the confidencekeeping us believing. Hope is joyous,it is happinesshope fills our heartswith infinite gladness. Hope is peaceful,calming and tranquilhope is having faithto trust and be still. Hope is for today,it… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Until My Last Breath

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Until My Last Breath ~ By Deborah Ann I trust the Lord,each night longfor, I know He willmake me strong. I trust the Lord,every single dayfor, I know His lightwill lead my way. I trust the Lord,with all my soulfor, I know it’s Histo keep and control. I trust the Lord,my life to Him I… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Faith And Assurance

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Faith And Assurance ~ By Deborah Ann Faith and assurance,go hand in hand . . .you can’t just have oneif your hope is to stand. For faith without sureness,is like a boat with a holeallowing fear and doubtto sink into your soul. Assurance and Faith,go side by side . .you can’t just have oneif you… (more…)

Today’s Poem: In God’s Control

to GOD be the GLORY ~ In God’s Control ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, keep my mind,keep it securedinto satan’s trapslet it not be lured. Lord, keep my thoughts,keep them on Youdon’ let them be jadedby the world’s view. Lord, keep my heart,keep it far awayto false teachingsdo not let it sway. Lord, keep my soul,keep it close to Youlet it… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Crumbs

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Crumbs ~ By Deborah Ann Crumbs,morsels of hopefor us to spreadall over the globe. Crumbs,little bits of peacefor us to scatterand daily release. Crumbs,scrapes of lightfor us to sowto give new sight. Crumbs,shreds of what we believeso the Good Newsothers can receive. Crumbs,put them all togetheroh, what a great harvestwe could truly gather! ~~~~~~~… (more…)

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