Tag Archives: Joy

#throwbackpoem: Think About the Joy 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Think About the Joy ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Some days Lord,sadness wakes up with meno matter what I do . . .it just won’t let me be. Some days grief,takes its choking holdI feel my knees buckle . . .as they begin to fold. Some days sorrow,follows me all aroundlike a heap, all I want . .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Jesus Will Heal

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Jesus Will Heal ~ By Deborah Ann Belka I know the pain,that you feelyou don’t thinkit will ever heal. The void in your heart,just won’t go awayno matter how hardor often you pray. I know the grief,eating you up insideyou don’t thinkit will ever subside. Your heart hurts so,the ache is deepevery time you laughyou… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Think About the Joy

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Think About the Joy ~ By Deborah Ann Belka Some days Lord,sadness wakes up with meno matter what I do . . .it just won’t let me be. Some days grief,takes its choking holdI feel my knees buckle . . .as they begin to fold. Some days sorrow,follows me all aroundlike a heap, all I want . .… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Good Morning Joy

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Good Morning Joy ~ By Deborah Ann Good morning joy,it’s so nice to see youits such a blessingto have you in my view. Good morning joy,thank you for greeting meit’s so nice knowingtoday with me you’ll be. Good morning joy,it’s a wonder you are hereI know God sent youto dry my every tear. Good morning… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Comforts the Mournful 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Comforts the Mournful ~ By Deborah Ann Some people appear,strong on the outsidewhen really they’re fallingapart on the inside. Some people pretend,they have it all togethersome contend aloneany storm they can weather. Some people claim,they don’t need any aidsome camouflagejust how much their afraid. Some people look,happy and joyfulsome disguise so wella heart, sorrowful.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Grief Reliever

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Grief Reliever ~ By Deborah Ann I have felt grief . . .smacking me on the shoulderI have felt it in my guthit me like a ten-ton boulder. I have felt its shock,just like a lighting boltI’ve felt its thunderdeliver stunning jolt. I have felt grief . . .punch me square in my faceI’ve… (more…)

Today’s Poem: A New Song

to GOD be the GLORY ~ A New Song ~ By Deborah Ann A new song,God’s put in my heartof how His mercycame to do its part. He took my sorrow,turned it into hopegave me the graceeach day to cope. A new song,I’m going to singso others to Him . . .my grief might bring. He’s given to me,a brand new… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Truly

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Truly ~ By Deborah Ann I know from experience,God sends us heartbreakand through it I’ve learnedHe truly doesn’t forsake. Though at the time,we may think God isn’t nearit’s at that very moment . . .we must give Him this fear. For, in the midst of tragedy,Jesus is also thereand our pain and sorrowHe truly… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The Process of Grief 

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Process of Grief ~ By Deborah Ann Grief is a process,time it does not knowit keeps its own rhythmtis why it ebbs and flows. It swells like a wave,rising in your chestyou never know whenit will rise or crest. Grief is a phase,time means not a thingit keeps its own beattis why it’s so… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Joy Comes On Morning’s Light

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Joy Comes On Morning’s Light ~ By Deborah Ann Joy comes,to heart’s brokenjoy returnsin words unspoken. Joy arises,from out of the pitsjoy emergeswith strength and grit. Joy enters,with peace and calmjoy becomesthe soul’s healing balm. Joy reaches,into mind’s affectedJoy arriveswhen least expected Joy follows,weeping nightsjoy ariseson morning’s light! ~~~~~~ Psalm 30:5 For his anger endureth… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Promises Galore

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Promises Galore ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, when I’m feeling beaten,when l feel trodden on and downYou promised I’d be a conquerorand to give me victories crown. And when I’m feeling bound up,when my spirit’s tied up in knotsYou promised to be my delivererand to capture all my thoughts. And when I’m feeling confused,when… (more…)

Today’s Poem: From Places Up High

to GOD be the GLORY ~ From Places Up High ~ By Deborah Ann Spiritual blessings,from places up high . . .are ours to beholdand daily apply. The blessings of grace,redemption and forgivenessthe blessing of being filledwith all of God’s richness. From the Father’s right hand,passed on to His Sonare all of His blessingsfor us to draw upon. The blessings… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Awesome Blossoms

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Awesome Blossoms ~ By Deborah Ann Awesome blossoms,buds of hope on a stemmy summer garden grows . . .like my faith I have in Him. In my flower beds,each bloom providesreminders to praise Godfor all He supplies. White and yellow daisies,petals picked one by onelet know me how I am lovedby my Father and… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Keeps His Promises

~ God Keeps His Promises ~ By Deborah Ann God keeps His promises,His Word never failsHis promises He keepsright down to the details. Promises of new life,that His Son bringspromises of hopeto work out all things. Promises of comfort,when trails we facepromises of new mercyand sufficient grace. Promises of blessings,of every spiritual kindpromises of His peaceto guard heart and mind.… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Shine

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Shine ~ By Deborah Ann Shine on me Lord Jesus,shine on me Your gracelet the joy I found in Youradiant off my grateful face. Shine on me Your  love,Your mercies ever tendershine on me Your goodnesstill I glow in Your splendor. Shine on me Lord Jesus,shine on me Your faithfulnesslet the love I have… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: God Has A Time For Everything

to GOD be the GLORY ~ God Has A Time For Everything ~ By Deborah Ann God has a time,for everythingand for every onenew season’s He brings. There’s a time of peace,and a time of bleaknessa time of spiritual healthand a time of sickness. There’s a time to rise up,and a time to regressa time of fearfulnessand a time to… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Look Up Into The Heavens

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Look Up Into The Heavens ~ By Deborah Ann When you’re feeling gloomy,when you’re sad and bluelook up into the heavensyour hope will shine through. For, when we focus in on,our destiny that’s aboveour sadness will turn to joyin the light of eternal love. Where you’re feeling lonely,when you are all alonelook up into… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Ask, Seek, Knock, Enter

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Ask, Seek, Knock, Enter ~ By Deborah Ann Ask believing Jesus loves you,seek and Him you will findknock and the door will openenter and don’t look behind. Ask that Jesus will forgive you,seek and repent of your sinknock and He will free youenter and be cleansed within. Ask trusting Jesus will answer,seek and listen… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: The Dew Of Dawn

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The Dew of Dawn ~ By Deborah Ann Each new day is a blessing,a present from God to unfolda time to open up our heartsso His beauty we can behold. Upon dawns cracking hour,God calls us to be renewedwith the morning light comesthe refreshing drops of dew. He gives the blessing of unity,upon the rising… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Renew Us Lord

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Renew Us Lord ~ By Deborah Ann Lord, renew in us Your love,each and every day . . .may it be the first thing we askwhen we start to pray. Remind us of Your hope,how it will not ever pass awaybuild us up in confidenceso our faith will never go astray. Fill us with… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I’m Completely Convinced

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I’m Completely Convinced ~ By Deborah Ann   I am convinced I belong to God,that nothing can separate usI am sure and I am confident . . .and so in Him I put all my trust. Storms may toss and blow my way,but I will not be swept out to seafor I am sure… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My ROCKing Chair

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My ROCKing Chair ~ By Deborah Ann On my ROCKing chair,I’m sitting comfortablyrocking back and forthoh, so ever enjoyably. Though, I have troubles,I’m rocking none the lessI’m letting God help metake care of this mess. On my ROCKing chair,I’m sitting peacefullyrocking to and frooh, so ever calmly. Though, I have worries,I haven’t me a carefor… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Who Jesus Is To Me

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Who the Lord is to Me ~ By Deborah Ann He is the First and the Last one,I think of each and every dayHe is the Creator of my soulthe Planner of my way. He is always there for me,I know He always will beHe was pierced and bruisedto bring healing to me. His… (more…)

Today’s Poem: The True and Righteous Way

to GOD be the GLORY ~ The True and Righteous Way ~ By Deborah Ann Oh, that I may seek and know,God’s true and righteous waythat I may rise up and pursueHis mercies throughout my day. To find His grace and glory,as I travel my daily courseto have His Word lead meand be my wisdom’s source. To have a heart… (more…)

Today’s Poem: I Hear His Voice

to GOD be the GLORY ~ I Hear His Voice ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus calls my name,I hear His voice . . .oh, how this knowledgemakes me rejoice. I talk with Him,He walks with metogether we journeythrough the valley. Over the hills we go,climb up to their topswe travel togethermaking plenty of stops. That’s when I learn,to follow His… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Hope

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Hope ~ By Deborah Ann While my flesh,withers awaymy hope is ina better day. The time coming,when I’ll be at peacewhile I’m waitingmy hope won’t cease. As I wait,for the Lord to comeon my heart-stringsmy hope will strum. Looking onward,Jesus in my sighteternal life . . .hopes greatest delight. While my flesh,withers away… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Everything

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Everything ~ By Deborah Ann Jesus, You’re my everything,You are my all in allthere is such peacewhen on Your name I call. You fill me with hope,You give my life purposemay all You’re doing in mecontinue to rise to the surface. You’re my joy and happiness,You are always aroundin Your grace and mercyI… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Childlike Faith

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Childlike Faith ~ By Deborah Ann Give me faith like a child,without fear and doubtwhere the Word of Godcan root, grow and sprout. Give me an attitude,that believes readilywhere happiness and joyoverflows steadily. Give me childlike faith,pure and simple . . .one that is steadfastnot unsure or fickle. Give me a mindset,that to God… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: My Hope Holds

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Hope Holds ~ By Deborah Ann He fills me with joy,I overflow with His peacemy happiness in Jesuswell, how could it cease? For, I am submerged,in His mighty powermy hope presses throughthe darkest of hours. He saturates me,with eager anticipationfor the day of His returnI’m drenched in elation. I am full to the… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Everlasting Peace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Everlasting Peace ~ By Deborah Ann We live in a pressurized world,we’re always under stressbut, those who trust in the Lordknow how much they are blessed. We’re hassled on every side,pushed around and shovedbut, those who hope in Jesusknow how much they are loved. We feel the weight of the world,come crashing down on… (more…)

Today’s Poem: My Cup Runneth Over

to GOD be the GLORY ~ My Cup Runneth Over ~ By Deborah Ann My cup it runneth over,with tender mercy it flows . . .my cup can never be emptiedfor in my heart Jesus grows. My cup is full of a lasting joy,with a love never to cease . . .my cup will never drain outfor in my heart… (more…)

Today’s Poem: ~ Still The Wise Seek Him ~

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Still The Wise Seek Him ~ By Deborah Ann Still the wise seek Him,they look to the Morning Starthey follow where He may leadno matter how near or far. They come to praise Him,to worship and to adorethe wise still seek will Himas the ones did from before. The wise still offer Him,gifts from… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Abundant Grace

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Abundant Grace ~ By Deborah Ann My faith has taken me,to joyous places up highas well as low valley’sbarren, arid and dry. It’s taken me through,times good and badmy faith’s kept me joyfuleven when I was sad. My faith has been strong.though I’ve been weakit has made me humbleeffectual and meek. It’s seen me through,all kinds… (more…)

#throwbackpoem: Joy Entered The World

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Joy Entered The World ~ By Deborah Ann Joy entered the world,Truth found its way inGrace penetrated throughall barrier’s of sin. Love came down from heaven,a Father’s Gift revealedLight infiltrated into heartsby His stripes they’re now healed. The Way emergencies,Jesse’s Branch shoots fortha Savior materializesout of a Virgin’s birth. Peace broke though,Flesh took on… (more…)

Today’s Poem: Any Room For Jesus

to GOD be the GLORY ~ Any Room For Jesus ~ By Deborah Ann Is there any room for Jesus,in your home today . . .will you merrily welcome Himinto your life to stay? Or will you be too busy,in the CHRISTmas rushso that to His presenceyou give Him the brush? Is there any room for Jesus,in your heart this… (more…)

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